Black man found dead against tree with rope around his neck in NC: 'Not a lynching,' sheriff says to – 514 points –
Black man found dead against tree with rope around his neck in NC: 'Not a lynching,' sheriff says

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People overblowing shit like wild.

He bought the rope

They need to release the video of him making the purchase. They claim to have it but refuse to release it. There is no reason not to. So until that happens, there’s no reason to believe the cops.

Edit: 🥾😋’s get blocked.

Suicide rate is 2.5 times more likely than murder. There's currently no reason to not believe them.

I say this because if there wasn't footage of him buying it, not mentioning it would be the obvious way to go if you were trying to cover up possible foul play. Saying there is footage though; footage that never gets produced screams the opposite.

So if the footage didn't exist, they never would have even hinted that it does.

I don't think that said there is footage of him buying rope, they said there is evidence of him buying rope. That could be something like a credit card charge, eyewitness reports, etc.

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