'I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT': Trump Is Big Mad That the Star Endorsed Harris

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 521 points –

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he tweets it, others reblog it. are you seeing how this works for him, yet? won't matter. the dopamine hit in getting upvotes for the monster who throws the dead cat on the table outweigh any logical argument on how mockery is precisely what trump and vance want, it takes energy, energy which would otherwise go to praising harris and waltz. he knows he can push them below the fold at any point, including coming off a decisive loss during the debate, and swifts endorsement, all anyone's talked about for 4 days are hatiians in springfield ohio, and that is how internet mockery helps him. this is not new news. yet people can't stop. and trump depends on that. it's all he has.

he posts hateful incendiary fabricated bullshit, and all the ants dance, holding him above the fold, the first story on the nightly news

Yeah, seems like too few words for an actual rant. Smoke bomb to distract from his ridiculous debate and to get that out of the news cycle

Anybody holding foldable media is already a lost cause. We need 20 somethings to vote like their Zyns depend on it. If this is what political engagement looks like in 2024, then so be it.

Fyi - “Below the fold” is a phrase borrowed from print media, which for digital content simply means anything below the current screen viewport that requires scrolling to access.