16 Post – 36 Comments
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they don't want to be scraped! hahahahahahahahaha

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he tweets it, others reblog it. are you seeing how this works for him, yet? won't matter. the dopamine hit in getting upvotes for the monster who throws the dead cat on the table outweigh any logical argument on how mockery is precisely what trump and vance want, it takes energy, energy which would otherwise go to praising harris and waltz. he knows he can push them below the fold at any point, including coming off a decisive loss during the debate, and swifts endorsement, all anyone's talked about for 4 days are hatiians in springfield ohio, and that is how internet mockery helps him. this is not new news. yet people can't stop. and trump depends on that. it's all he has.

he posts hateful incendiary fabricated bullshit, and all the ants dance, holding him above the fold, the first story on the nightly news

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During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history

  1. Trump is a incompetent liar, with a first Presidential administration that saw over 1 million Americans die from a purposefully sandbagged and mismanaged worldwide viral pandemic response, capped off by a violent and deadly insurrection in the nations capitol building
  2. Having had his pants pulled down on national television by Kamala Harris, he has no other option than to start throwing molotov cocktails into the zeitgeist, knowing the feckless media will oblige for ad revenue, hoping to push Harris/Waltz below the fold
  3. Well meaning though obviously ignorant netziens continue to repost articles, mocking Trump, thereby amplifying his messages of hate and division, which is the only way his molotov cocktail throwing can achieve the goal of keeping him on the front page, and sucking all the air out of any energy praising Harris

maria diving full extension into the dark side will always be a continuing source of dissapointment

and now Hezbollah will be frightened to touch anything at all

this is asymetrical warfare

do not want. want removable and replaceable batteries and storage, also a headphone jack because fuck you.

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they've been talking to the whales

Thulsa Doom has fallen

Seems as if the team was demanding equity in the form of the spinoff, and ownership ultimately decided they weren't going to give it to them, and now their whole team quit. Power move. Now ownership is going to try to get some of those people back by offering them huge sign on bonuses and equity, wonder how many are going to go for it, or if they'll stand pat as a group.

well, shoot them the fuck down, fuck, what are they even doing

the staff wanted equity vis a vis the spinoff, and ownership decided they didn't want to give it to them

"secretly"? lol, cmon

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laura loomer and donald trump have dominated the headlines, for the simple reason people can't stop posting about it. it's their only plan. it's how they keep harris and waltz below the fold, it's their only fucking plan. stop helping them.

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anyone claiming to be stunned by trumps idiocy and ineptitude should be slapped in the face with a mackerel

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all these same products are being sold by amazon, the difference being they're being marked up 400% due to drop ship/middlemen. that's it. that's the difference here, it's who is profiting. the manufacturers are the same, it's the same exact products.

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had a relationship with a 17-year-old girl when he was 25


how do you smother a semi fire on the highway, a) with a water tanker or b) with a sand tanker, how many municipalities have a sand tanker on hand, how do those sand tanker hoses work again, lots of sand tanker slingers round your parts cowpoke?

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no one goes into the voting booth but you

laura loomer and donald trump have dominated the headlines, for the simple reason people can't stop posting about it. it's their only plan. it's how they keep harris and waltz below the fold, it's their only fucking plan. stop helping them.

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racism. any other questions?

first pressed from only the finest of boneless babies

This story was in The New York Times. During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history. All the money in my pocket says The Paper of Record has been taking Russian money for decades.

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*in ohio


harris' edge, or trump being even close? seems as if both are true, huh.

It ain't his money, it's the people of Texas' money, and they keep electing these racist scumbags, so I guess it's worth it to them to just piss their taxes up a wall, to virtue singal

jesus fucking christ man, why won't these judges simply follow the law

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1.3 Billion! dr evil tilts his pinkie to the side of his mouth in a come hither stare

"compete surprise" says the whitest guy you've ever seen

"Court records show that Cardello-Smith is incarcerated at the Earnest C Brooks correctional facility after multiple previous convictions of criminal sexual misconduct. The Metro Times reported that he taught himself criminal and civil law during his incarceration while also developing “a long history of challenging the judicial system” with lawsuits.

Combs is not the only prominent defendant named in one of those lawsuits. Another is the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Detroit, in a lawsuit alleging that two of the organization’s priests as well as one of its lay employees sexually abused Cardello-Smith between 1979 – when he was about seven years old – and 1993."

I don't see how Combs doesn't appeal this, and get this stayed, now that there's a judgement. Dudes not going to start simply paying this may $10 million a month.

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Israel isn't going to make any deal which sees them relinquish control of the Philidelphi Corridor, and allow Hamas to rearm and recruit from Egypt in the same way they've been doing for a decade. It's a non starter. Folks still seem to be confused about this. It was hard won, they're not going to let it go, for good reason.

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I don't know about that, I'd call Fidel Castro a "radical left Marxist Communist fascist" , *edit: those terms would also apply to Stalin, and Mao, lol

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stalin, mao, min, castro ..... hmmmm i wonder why

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Haiti? Amongst almost all nations on earth, Haiti has repeatedly proven over and over again that they cannot govern themselves, like, to any degree whatsoever. The corruption is so pervasive, even if an honest politician is elected to any position of authority, corrupt police and military simply look the other way when gangs take aim and assassinate them. This is clear to anyone that's paid any attention to Haiti at all over the last 75 years. The worst thing anyone can possibly do is give Haiti hundreds of Billions of dollars, omg. I mean at some point after say a decade of stability, that would make sense, but not before Haitians can show they won't once again devolve into chaos, riot, starvation, disease, and death. But not anytime soon.

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