after 40 all meals are horror to Lemmy – 10 points –

This person’s problem can be solved by a sandwich. Takes like 3 minutes to make, or can be prepped earlier, no cooking necessary, has color, is fresh, not frozen, beats any fast food meal in price and quality. Also can even be healthy if you shop wisely. Can be different every day. Can be hot or cold. The possibilities are endless. Sandwiches are the best.

Sandwiches were literally invented to be home made, portable fast food, for hunters, workers, and the like. Not only are they ok with being wrapped up and carried, if made right they actually get better when wrapped up and squashed.

I agree sandwiches are the best. But my metabolism is just too efficient at turning carbs into fat and high blood sugar. There's just no substitute for good bread in a sandwich, all attempts at compromise/substitutions ruin the whole thing.

wraps are just as convenient and use far less bread, i love a good turkey wrap for lunch

Even a wrap is too much white flour right now. I bought some Low Carb High Fiber Whole Wheat tortilla wraps, but they're serving the same role as Discworld Dwarf Bread: I look at them and remember the time I tried to eat one, and decide I'm not that hungry after all. I don't even have to worry about them going stale, because they can't become less appealing.

I don't mind the taste of the "healthy" tortillas. I generally prefer the taste of whole grain bread and pasta over white flour variants. My largest complaint is that they all seem to disintegrate when you look at them -- probably a gluten thing, but they all just break or shred instead of hold together, which defeats the purpose of wrapping your food in them.

I settled on OLÉ “Xtreme Wellness” high fiber wraps. They’re stretchy and they even toast/grill well. They’re good for sandwich wraps but also soft tacos and small burritos.

What do you consider ‘good bread’? Don’t buy supermarket bread, go to a good bakery and get some nice, freshly baked whole-grain bread, that should be much more difficult to turn into sugar.

Even homemade whole-grain bread, while delicious and healthy in its way, has too many non-fiber carbs when you're trying to minimize them. And my body is unfortunately very efficient at converting the starches to blood sugar. As for bakery whole-grain bread, (and of course the supermarket kind) the ingredients almost inevitably include "wheat flour" which is white flour, not necessarily bleached but minus the bran. This is because bread that is not only "made with 100% whole wheat" (which just means it contains SOME 100%-whole-wheat flour!) but is made with ONLY whole wheat flour (plus any other whole grains) doesn't rise very well. I've struggled with it myself and made some bricks, despite being able to bake gorgeous loaves when allowed to include some unbleached bread flour in the mix. Go ahead, ask your baker. And then enjoy the bread, it's still great for most people.

Good Lord I am happy I can handle my shit and not have to publicly post my executive dysfunction for the planet to see.

So much of these news aggregate sites are morons reposting the same tired posts from absolute crayon eaters who bloviate about how critically incapable they are at basic life functions.

Cooking takes SO MUCH TIME when you're single. But eating out is so expensive. It sucks.

Cooking takes the same amount of time whether you're single or not?

Like wtf.

Pasta boils at the same speed regardless of how many people are in the house.

That's the problem. It's more efficient with bigger meals. If you're single, you have to cook and then clean. If there's two of you, you can divide tasks.

I have good news for you:

Being single doesn't mean you can only cook single portions of stuff.

You can cook two portions, and have an entire meal ready to eat anytime during the next few days.

You might even find yourself adventurous and cook three portions, and have TWO whole meals ready to go.

But be wary, most people who just learn the ability to plan ahead quickly get carried on and start preparing 5, 6 or even 7 servings ahead of time and I only recommend this for experienced meal preppers who know what they are doing.

Also, clean as you go, and cleaning suddenly doesn't become this insurmountable task.

I swear to god half of the people in these threads are not fit for life.

The other half are armchair quarterbacks who can't fathom that anything is ever difficult for other people.

meals ready to go.

Reheating leftovers is a gamble. Sometimes reheated food just tastes like ass, no matter how good it was fresh.

clean as you go

It still takes twice as much effort, IF the recipe you're making leaves time for it.

Jesus, you condescending fuck, you think I don't know this shit? Are you so damn arrogant you think no one else has figured out meal prepping? You think you're goddamn einstein because you discovered cleaning as you go? We fucking know. And it sucks.


of course I am being condescending.

I am talking to a supposedly grown ass man having mental breakdowns because they have to clean the dishes after cooking.

How does someone get so stupid that they equate "I don't like this" to "mental breakdown"? Your mom smack you a little too hard that one time?

This thread just oozes of early adults that don't understand how to spend 30 minutes preparing meals

Here in the Netherlands a lot of people just eat sandwiches. I usually take them with me to work. Not a lot of effort

I'll never understand how can people eat sandwiches every day, especially those with some kind of meat in them. I'm not vegetarian but eating sandwiches for more than two days in a row make me want to puke.

a lot of people eat the same food several days in a row, or several meals in a row.

you only feel that way because you see food as pleasure to be enjoyed. not as a necessity for living. lots of people eat to live.

I eat sandwiches every day, and the same thing or small variety. I'm not eating for the experience, I'm eating to not be hungry. I can make and eat a sandwich is less than a minute, so I can get back to doing what I want to be doing.

If I really don't feel like a sandwich, there's always toast.