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Joined 4 months ago

You go ahead and make that bet.

IMO this is just employer revenge porn and would be almost overwhelmingly bad for the employees.

Judgey dick

It's almost like the big tech companies are really good at their jobs....

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Drupal, but you are getting into a different type of complex symfony code built on years and years of drupalism's. It's powerful and pretty well maintained though.

Oh you mean lemmy users are just as bad if not worse than Reddit any making shit up? I for one am shocked.

No. You are skipping DNS.

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Folks really didn't understand how AI will work. It's not going to be some big we're dropping 1000 people.

It's going to reduce demand over time.

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On what planet do you live where people treat commercial requests nice? Clearly you haven't been in the industry long.

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Takes all of 5 minutes to start a car and drive a mile and back. Nobody walks into a Costco for just eggs or brings the entire family.

I get that you all hate cars but when you make up fantasy stories like this you just harden mind of those you must convince.

25 more...

Rose tinted glasses. Games were buggy as hell. Many times unbeatable in certain conditions.

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Yes there are. You can be a trained retail worker in a few hours in most cases. Same with many farming jobs. Same with working the line at fast food. They still work hard and it doesn't mean they don't deserve a living wage.

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Atta boy double down.

Because I sat at a table for an hour with a work colleague lecturing me on veganism. I couldn't care less if you don't lecture me.

Because it's normal people instead of 100s of posts about Linux and thigh highs.

Never met a single person who does this.

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This shit is cringe. True /c/theleftcantmeme shit. No narrative, no point, just meeting fun of a dude for being straight and bats?

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Flying squid spends their entire life here as far as I can tell. And just about every major news sub is owned by Jeffw. This place has like 400 active users tops.

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Regularly users mostly don't give a shit about any of that. They care about ease of use out of the box and compatibility. Y'all get so pissed off at Linus because he actually understand what most people care about.

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What the fuck? Nobody is going to give a damn lol. Stop reading shit on the Internet.

Idiots spend money they don't have. News at 11.

Okay, that's still a similar effort. And I don't disagree the preferred approach. The above is absurd though. If anything it describes a more rural experience and still quite exaggerated IMO.

The above is fantasy circle jerk material. Meme better and have a basis of truth. Those are the best memes.

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I never said you should. Only that the above in no way describes the majority experience. It's really not that stressful in the least bit. It's a 10 minute experience with an extra wide parking spot for your f150 at one of the dozens of choices you'll have to grab your eggs.

I am particularly lucky in that I could go to Wegmans or one of several farms within that 10 minute time frame.

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What a fucking title. I guess that's the best we can expect from the guardian.

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Down is fucking fantastic performance wise. When you say that crap people will look at you funny.

Who cares? What a waste of time. The drug laws are insane.

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Scam is another thing. Fuck these people selling.

But fuck dude they aren't taking advantage of anyone buying the service. That's not how the fucking world works. It turns out that even you have money you can post for people to do shit like clean your house or do an oil change.

NOBODY on that side of the equation are bring exploited 🤣

You mean you didn't enjoy sitting there when your thumb up your ass while you wait 6 months for a background check and another 6 months to get your GFE? Crazy!

Customer support when you are a paying customer is great.

Credit cards at any interest rate are stupid if you are carrying a balance. Take out a proper loan.

Something something glass houses and stones and all. Self awareness goes pretty far as a skill.

Gen Z, meanwhile, said they often choose high-quality snacks and beverages, which makes for expensive grocery bills.

So they are buying garbage? What's wrong with produce and water. This article is all over the place.

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🙄👌👍 and weed is definitely a schedule 1 drug.

Plenty of drivers in countries with speed laws based in sanity handle this as their daily commute. But yeah I'm definitely way more dangerous than an 18 wheeler on 12 hours of driving doing 80 at 20x the force 🙄.

Math fucking time!

A 95000lbs truck crashing in. 5 s at at a rate of -8m/2 produces 35000 newtons of force.

My car needs to produce nearly -30m/s2 crash acceleration to match.

I wish I could write like y'all. You invent such great fantasies.

The VAST majority will never hear about this and will never be a consideration. Nobody at apple is running a secret "we won't wipe the device" team to sell more phones. That's paranoia.

You should also read the article because that would also tell you something about what is actually happening here.

I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or just ignoring the many many foss projects with forced deprication.

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Lolol a shitty meme call-out makes me a fascist 👌

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To lessen debris getting stuck. No idea if it's effective.

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This comment is utter nonsense. The "ruling middle class" 🙄.

Sentra drivers are something else.

Fun story. I'm driving home on the highway in very low traffic. And if I see someone I slow to an appropriate delta. I'm not trying to kill or get killed passing and weaving. I drive an old 911 and am cruising doing like 95mph. For reference I'm in summer sports tires and this is a very reasonable speed for this vehicle assuming you aren't around others.

I pull up behind this guy slowing down as I approach. Doing 65 in a 70 in the passing lane. He sits in the left lane for like 40 seconds. I'm not being aggressive, I got behind and saw him look into the rearview mirror and gave him a good 100ft. Finally I pass him on the right.

This dude speeds up to my passing speed, probably 110 at that point and gets right up on my ass. And I mean right on it. So I speed up to create some distance.

This crazy dude was full throttle trying to keep up with me at 115 in his little Sentra tires at an absurd speed for that vehicle because I passed him after being pretty damn patient.

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AMD successful at the mid tier?! I'm shocked!

NVIDIA prints money in the enterprise where business will literally lose money over the extra compute, and lesser so in high end gaming with details turned up. AMD simply can't complete, it's not marketing, it's a better product.

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