
1 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

My office has quite a few fresh grads who own their own places.

Their parents bought it for them for a graduation present.

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Bernie is the model of what a politician should be. And about the only one left in the USA that gives a fuck about actual justice and truth.

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there is also more diverse content than the crap that was on here six months ago.

when 50% of the frontpage is linux memes... you're not going to gain the interest of most new users. now it seems to be down to about 20%

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Then you'd be wrong. Vast majority of people have financial aid/loans. 85%, in fact.

Not even.

All you really need is wealthy parents. That way you never have to have any debt and get exploited by the credit system and can live your life glib and clueless and wondering why other people are so lazy and poor and didn't work hard like you.

the reality is that incompetent managers love to blame their employees for not doing shit they never told them to do.

instances are just distinct servers really.

and some of them are purpose/politics specific.

having family help isn't the american dream. that's the aristocratic dream, where land is only owned by the wealthy who inherit it.

It blows my mind that the world basically runs on Monopoly money and accounting smoke and mirrors.

::: spoiler spoiler


subway isn't healthy. their bread is loaded with sugar and their meats are loaded with fillers and byproducts.

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my siblings managed to keep their kids away from smartphones until 4th grade. And even that was a struggle.

sadly it just falls into the camp of 'everyone else is doing it'. and if your kid isn't they will be socially ostracized.

There are plenty of good men out there. Teachers, bosses, coaches, etc.

Nobody gives a shit about them, because they aren't famous, rich, or complete piece of shit. Those are the only 'men' anyone looks up to.

The issue is that not there are no good male role models, it's that we have decided the only 'good' men are famous, and anyone else is subpar. Our cultural assumption is that all men are bad by default, and that only the best of the best rise above it.

Personally, I'm sick of this nonsense. The vast majority of men I have ever known are good men. But society loves to shit on them because they aren't sexy, popular, or wealthy. And we love to focus on the POS men who are, who cheat, lie, and steal their way to the top.

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most R voters would rather the country become dicatorship so they can save a few bucks on taxes and watch non-whites suffer

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that's not fun and dramatic and clickbaity though

what's far scarier is the revisionist history being pushed in many states and school districts.

Because the 1st wave of people on the internet were nerds and geeks. People driven by hope and optimist to make the world a better place and using the internet to do things they were already inclined to do... learn and share. You had to read, and write and things were generally long form interactions. Chat rooms required that you write sentences and paragraphs. It was also largely hosted by universities and other non-profit interests. The philosophy of Open Source and Freesoftware was rampant in the 2000s, and then declined as the big 5 took over the internet.

Now the internet is driven by corporate greed and the exploitation of the LCD's lazy monkey-brain interactions. EVerything now is a blurb, a meme, a click, a reaction emoji. A 8 min youtube video is 'too hard' now for the average internet user.

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my dog is racist.

the price of homes goes up faster than anyone can save. that's the problem.

housing prices used to rise at or below inflation. now they rise at like 3x inflation.

Fair enough. But running away stomping and screaming never helped anyone. This is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s incremental change. Not voting or voting for Trump will never bring about the change they are looking for.

Precisely why conservatives are winning. They have been working towards their goals for 40+ years and they don't give up. They vote.

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what are the possible negative affects of gay marriage? the premise makes no sense.

like it was goign to up the divorce rate or something? is that 'bad'?

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the working class is the middle class.

unless you mean people who are in poverty.

For the unintiated, things you can do in FO2 has that would not be allowed today:

  • child killing
  • pornography producing
  • gravedigging
  • slavery
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i wish someone would punish me for consexual sexual intercourse.

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a stable tenant is worth more than a few rent increases.

lots of folks get off on self hatred.

There is a Jewish woman who is openly running as a Nazi on the Republican ticket for a statewide office in MA.

My total food bill is almost a $1000. I'm single and live in a city.

65% of it is groceries. Nothing fancy. It costs me $150 a week for the basics. Veggies, few lbs of meat, dairy etc.

Could I cut back and only eat rice and canned/frozen foods? Yes. But I want to eat good fresh food. I drop about $50 in produce a week alone.

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Inflation is fine as long as wages rise with it.

The issue is our economy is entirely built around low interest rates and low inflation. It's been that way for a generation. This benefit asset-holders like home owners and the wealthy. Hence why they are doing everything possible to avoid wage-growth. They don't care about inflation, what they are terrified of is wage growth and higher interest rates.

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I got it as well. My accounts were banned... and then all the sudden an IPO comes along and the are unsuspended.... i went back in and redacted my accounts that got the email.

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amen. exactly why local zoning ordinances are anti-housing.

asset prices must go up. always.

Also, keep out the riff-raff.

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They aren't.

They are afraid of being labeled anti-semitic. That is what is driving this. Allowing the protests to exist gets the uni/president labeled anti-semitic, and that is unacceptable for the universities. The universities are then asking the police to break them up by force, because violent against students is more acceptable than being labeled anti-Semitic.

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the fuck are you buying?

mine have gone up about 30%. and i buy the same shit i did 4 years ago.

some things went way up, then came back down, like eggs.

most of what went up was meat and processed foods. dairy and veggies didn't see much of a spike. milk is still 5 bucks a gallon.

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nobody complete against cash investors. cash wins the vast majority of the time, even given a slightly lower offer, because it's a cleaner transaction for the seller.

because he says they shit they wish they could.

all the hot air coming out of everyone's mouth over this and every other social wedge issue

same here man. about the lgbtq+ stuff. I just want to do whatever, but IRL everyone has to put you into a box based 100% on your physical appearance. I hate it. I don't give a shit about feminine or masculinity or who anyone wants to fuck or not fuck.

I especially hate it when I date. everyone assumes I'm this macho conservative guy... and gets pissed off at me when I don't live up to the stereotype and find out I'm socialist and don't give a shit about traditional gender roles. and the people who want to hang out with me are always conservative and traditional leaning, an the left/liberal types shun me because I don't have tattoos.

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American culture is mentally ill.

threatening and intimidating people into silence isn't free speech. that's oppression.

before, after, during. i'm a man of ambition.

they don't care about reality at all.

they care about fantasy.

they grew up. reddit was primarily used by nerds in their 20s until it blew up in 2016 thanks to election. then it got flooded by idiots, children, and boomers. and the entire thing tanked. the cool people were there but got drowned out. a lot of them started moving to smaller and nicher subs.

sadly there just isn't a centralized 'nerd space' anymore that reddit was from 2006-2014. where it was a lot of really cool stories/links/subs and a lot of intelligent comments.

I drink coffee because it tastes good.

I feel sad for people who drink it because they see it as a requirement.

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