Judge Moves Donald Trump’s Sentencing In Hush Money Trial To Nov. 26

shoulderoforion@fedia.io to politics @lemmy.world – 4 points –

A New York judge has moved the sentencing in Donald Trump‘s hush money trial to after the election, on November 26. “The public’s confidence in the integrity of our judicial system demands a sentencing hearing that is entirely focused on the verdict of the jury and the weighing of aggravating and mitigating factors free from […]


I just don't understand why the rules and laws never, ever seem to apply to him!

Because he is, or at least was, part of the insider clique.

Even as late as 2014 he was still allegedly close enough to the Clintons that he and Bill could have a personal phone call hours long.

Seriously though, it is self preservation for the judge. If Trump loses, no harm in sentencing him punitively. If he wins, might as well sweep it under the rug to try and save a few lives of you and your staff.

After he loses the election and gets sentenced, I hope to never again hear from this scourge.

Watch we'll see a headline in some future morning "Donald J Trump Dead at --" and that afternoon we'll see "supreme court drops all extant charges on former president saying ""its time to focus on grieving""

Fucking pitiful

If this pisses you off, good. Because this is the legal system we have, and it's always been this corrupt. It's always been this unjust, this skewed, and it will continue to be until we demand a change.

Okay. So. He lost in 2020, and hopefully he'll lose again in 2024. After that, can he FINALLY HAVE SOME FUCKING CONSEQUENCES FOR ALL THE CRIMING HE DOES GODDAMN IT AAARGGGH@$#&#@!!!