James Earl Jones, Distinguished Actor and Voice of Darth Vader, Dies at 93

shoulderoforion@fedia.io to News@lemmy.world – 855 points –

James Earl Jones, the distinguished and prolific actor in films, TV and theater known for providing the voice of Darth Vader in "Star Wars," has died.


I didn’t realize he was that old. In my mind, he was one of those figures that was stuck in time, perpetually middle-aged.

It’s sad that he’s gone, but he’s lucky to have lived such a long life.

Doesn't feel like it but everyone gets older all the time. I'm always worried about a headline like this for Morgan Freeman. I was blown away finding out Donald Sutherland was born in 1935 when he passed earlier this year.

Recently rewatched "The Hunt For Red October" and even though his role was small, he made a huge impact on that film... as well as anything else he's been in. Sad to hear. He'll be missed.

He also returns in the Harrison ford Jack Ryan movies as Admiral Greer. Certainly a good watch as well.

I guess I never thought about this but are the alec baldwin and harrison ford Jack Ryans the same person? Ben Affleck was assume is a reboot, but now I don't really know.

I don't know myself and I see it more like a continuation.

He is such a great actor. Makes me sort of sad all headlines are calling him “the voice of Vader”.

Very sad to see his passing. A unique voice, literally, and a fine actor. 93 is very impressive also.

and a fine actor

i feel like this clip of him reciting a little shakespeare at some convention should have gone a lot more viral https://youtu.be/_evRg7HuuSc

Wow I’d not seen this one - a great clip thanks for sharing 🙏

His voice really is something eh, almost like he’s playing his own head like an instrument

Wow… just wow… Thank you so much for sharing that. That was just amazing.

We have lost one of the absolute greats.


This is the first time I actually got worked up about a celebrity death. :/ I know no one is immortal but damn yo, he was a pretty important part of the things I enjoyed.

I was watching a video a few weeks back in where he talked about being paid only 7k to do Vader's voice in the original, but to him that was a huge score cause it was only for 2.5 hours of voice work. Insane that it became the most iconic villain voice ever

Sad day for all. He was an icon. Will always be the best Thulsa Doom. And Darth Vader. And Lothar Vogg. And Terrance Mann. I'm gonna stop now. It's that or cry again. RIP.


he was old, had a legendary life, no one lives forever... still shitty news

Yelled "noooooooooo" without thinking.

Spouse is now upset for me yelling. I don't care. If there is any time to yell, this is one

This... is... really really sad. 😭

I knew this day would come but nonetheless I was not prepared for it...

I always assumed you had sex with your bathers. I know I do.

What a legend. RIP

Is it actually true he did all his lines for the first Star Wars in 2 hours? And got paid about nothing?

About $7000 for a voiceover. For a film that even Lucas wasn't sure would get traction.

And he declined a credit, saying that his role in the making of the film was insignificant (next to the power of the dark side).