
2 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Bernie is sharper on his worst day than Biden or Trump are on their best day.

Before the debate they said Biden had had a cold as well.

Really interesting design decision. Was the main battery also dead? I'm guessing not. There's a step-down converter under the rear seat that outputs 12-16 volts, Tesla could probably have fairly easily set the car up to power the doors from that when the auxiliary 12V battery dies.

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Wireless charging is very inefficient, I don't see that happening unless some new tech gets invented.

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Imagine waking up and seeing a robot with that face standing above you.

Call me crazy but I think there's a chance he's lying.

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I've moved on from my student loans, so stop bugging me about it.

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I fucking hate disposable vapes and any single-use electronics. So wasteful. I bet a lot of people who use disposable vapes would consider themselves to be environmentally-conscious.

He could show me his penis for $250,000. For another $50,000 I'll show him mine.

Pardon my ignorance but how do you steal code if it's open source?

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Fuck Trump, fuck Biden, and fuck Netanyahu. And while we're at it, fuck Putin and fuck Xi. Not a lot of decent people at the top these days.

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I just realized I have absolutely no idea how strong turtles are.

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Prison, please. If it ends up being just between those two then jail. House arrest is not punishment for him.

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Looks like I'm going to continue not watching Apple TV for the foreseeable future.

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Dude. You're rich. Take an Uber. You can take another one tomorrow to pick up your fancy car.

I want to try factorio but I'm afraid I'll get hooked

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Literal shitpost.

Well, I drive an Impreza and I did hit a pedestrian at low speed several years ago, so probably.

That's roughly where the path of totality went tho

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We're working on that. So far 2 states (Colorado and Maine, which have 10 and 4 electoral college votes respectively out of a total of 538) have taken Trump off their election ballots, but this will likely go to the supreme court, of which 3 out of 9 judges were appointed by Trump.

Despite 3 of the judges being appointed by Trump, they have made it clear that they won't do his bidding, so far, so there is hope that he won't be eligible.

I'm disappointed he's not already in prison.

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Sorry about that.

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I'm so sick of looking at that idiot. I'd pay a decent amount of money to see him get punched in the face.

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I think single-use batteries should be banned. Whenever I go to the weed store and I see them selling/advertising disposable vapes I can't help but feel a hint of rage. All my AA and AAA batteries are rechargeable now. Hopefully soon everything will use USB-C and graphene batteries and supercapacitors will be common.

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Holy shit

Still doesn't really seem all that big. Some EVs have 100 KWh batteries. A container ship with the battery capacity of 500 cars doesn't sound like much.

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I get this reference.

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It would have been but it was released way too early.

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That GLASS of water looks like it can hold closer to 2 cups.

"Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it."

proceeds to describe a car that's slower and has less range than my e-bike

Kinda curious what the other options are, I got hit with a paywall.

I want an Aptera. Any solar cars available in China? A Telo would be sweet but they're super early on.

Is everyone over there named Vladimir?

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In a lot of places you can get a ticket for blocking the sidewalk.

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I'm sure they changed their minds... /s

those beetles that have sex with beer bottles because they're brown and perfectly glossy like an ideal mate.

Um. What?

I'm sure the election deniers will change their minds now.

I miss trebuchetmemes

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Showed this to my girlfriend and she said " the answer is get some food bitch you're bleeding"

I mean... They invented reusable rockets.

Edit: they invented the first reusable liquid-fueled rockets and the first rockets that can autonomously land themselves. NASA used reusable solid rocket boosters on the space shuttle that would deploy parachutes and land in the ocean. Getting a solid rocket booster back into a reusable state seems like a lot of work to me.

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That lucky sumbitch

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I hate it. I don't want to speak to people who are wearing one.

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