Biden Condemns Trump as Dire Threat to Democracy in a Blistering Speech to – 725 points –
Biden Condemns Trump as Dire Threat to Democracy in a Blistering Speech

President Biden on Friday delivered a ferocious condemnation of Donald J. Trump, his likely 2024 opponent, warning in searing language that the former president had directed an insurrection and would aim to undo the nation’s bedrock democracy if he returned to power.

On the eve of the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by Mr. Trump’s supporters, Mr. Biden framed the coming election as a choice between a candidate devoted to upholding America’s centuries-old ideals and a chaos agent willing to discard them for his personal benefit.

“There’s no confusion about who Trump is or what he intends to do,” Mr. Biden warned in a speech at a community college not far from Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, where George Washington commanded troops during the Revolutionary War. Exhorting supporters to prepare to vote this fall, he said: “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question is: Who are we?”

In an intensely personal address that at one point nearly led Mr. Biden to curse Mr. Trump by name, the president compared his rival to foreign autocrats who rule by fiat and lies. He said Mr. Trump had failed the basic test of American leaders, to trust the people to choose their elected officials and abide by their decisions.

“We must be clear,” Mr. Biden said. “Democracy is on the ballot. Your freedom is on the ballot.”



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We're working on that. So far 2 states (Colorado and Maine, which have 10 and 4 electoral college votes respectively out of a total of 538) have taken Trump off their election ballots, but this will likely go to the supreme court, of which 3 out of 9 judges were appointed by Trump.

Despite 3 of the judges being appointed by Trump, they have made it clear that they won't do his bidding, so far, so there is hope that he won't be eligible.

I'm disappointed he's not already in prison.

Fuck :(

The decision is paused until the Supreme Court renders judgement, this was always going to happen.

It shouldn't be happening. The law and precedent is clear. But it was going to anyways.

The only question is exactly how compromised the newer additions are, what Harlan Crow wants, and whether Roberts will remember he supposedly cares about the Constitution as a sacred institution.

I think people are missing something important here - this ruling is merely that he can appear on a party primary ballot, which is something not explicitly covered by the constitution. Even if he wins a primary the supreme court can then rule that he's still ineligible to run as president.

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Despite 3 of the judges being appointed by Trump, they have made it clear that they won't do his bidding,

They have said that, but have they convincingly demonstrated it?

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please work harder and also good luck to you

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