'We Are All Culpable': Third American Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 373 points –
'We Are All Culpable': Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught | Common Dreams

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"We are all culpable" says the title, didn't read more into it than that.

Maybe one day someone will say something that causes you to consider similar words to his.

This is still puzzling me. Maybe some day someone will say something that will make me consider saying the same thing that made me do the considering. Did I understand that correctly? It just seems like a confusing sentence imo.

“We are all culpable” says the title, didn’t read more into it than that.

Oh, you were finally able to read it.

This is still puzzling me. Maybe some day someone will say something that will make me consider saying the same thing that made me do the considering.

No, maybe someday will say something that causes you to consider similar words instead of immediately dismissing anything that isn't support for genocide as insanity.

No I read the title before commenting anything here. i just had no idea what words and from whom you meant.

maybe someday will say something that causes you to consider similar words instead of immediately dismissing anything that isn’t support for genocide as insanity

I don't know if this helped me to understand what you are saying. "Someday will say something that causes me to consider similar words"? Whuut. I'm not a native English speaker so sorry if that's why I don't get it but I have no idea what you mean with that.

Someday, someone who is more convincing than I am will convince you that any words that aren't support for genocide and only genocide aren't utter insanity.

Okay, I get it now. But I wasn't calling being anti-genocide insanity, rather burning yourself alive over it.