Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? to No Stupid – 8 points –

I think a little clarification is needed. No. I don't actually think everyone there is insane. I don't care about the bans so stop trying to use that. HB enthusiasts coming here and trying to call me out achieves nothing besides proving my point

Edit: Feel free to keep trying to brigade me. It's not going to scare me to take this down


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See, you are a CCP boot licker denying genocides and massacres.

Does feel like it's AI generated though...

Please address what I actually say rather than namecalling and making things up.

Lol you just throw random answers in there.

I said it doesn't work outside .ml

None of my answers were random, they were direct responses to what you said, complete with quotes so that you can follow the logic.

Let me know when you are ready to engage with what I've said.

Man there's so much proof of the kind of "quality" debate these post-dunked-bleedin-liberals actually bring to hexbear ITT. Like these guys are proving the accusation=confession of the OPs post so well I'm crying blood.