Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask' to politics – 913 points –
Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'

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From the party saying that if Harris became president ' The white house would smell of curry'

I never got the negative connotation with that. Like are we all pretending that curry doesn't smell amazing now?

MTG said the White House would smell like if that's a bad thing. Tell me one person who doesn't love the smell of garam masala or fenugreek.

Edit: sorry, Laura Loomer. It's hard to keep track of all of the Russian assets calling themselves Republican these days.

IKR. I'd apply for a job if that was a perk.

Right now the only way you'll get that is if you work in an Indian restaurant, and bluntly, that would be a massive downgrade for me.

If I could upgrade my job and smell delicious food that I want to eat all day, and probably eat it too? Fuck yeah, there's no downside here.