Presidential candidate Cornel West loses bid for Pennsylvania ballot

Socialist to politics – 84 points –
Presidential candidate Cornel West loses bid for Pennsylvania ballot

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Not what I implied at all... Defensive much?

A party that is only interested in moonshots isn't a serious party.

A party that is only interested in moonshots isn’t a serious party.

I just gave you a list that shows that they run in other elections.

Less than .05% of "other elections." How obvious does this need to be for you?

The percentage a party receives in elections doesn’t automatically reflect its seriousness, especially when a political system is structured to suppress alternatives.

Ok, so what’s the "magic number" for a party to be taken seriously in your eyes, and how can they possibly reach it when the two major parties manipulate the rules, funding, and media access to keep third parties down?

Bruh, even in this very forum, Lemmy users often resort to guilt, pressure, and insults to force people into supporting the duopoly, calling those who back third parties "idiots" instead of fostering genuine political diversity. As I know from personal experience. lol