How would I find my phone if I didn't have a phone to find my phone with? to No Stupid – 48 points –

Suppose I lost my phone and I could use find my phone to find it. The problem is I don't have my phone in order to find my phone with. I don't have a computer I don't have a laptop All I have is a phone. How on earth would I use find my phone to find my phone?


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Uhm. Like this from any other computer that you may have, someone else may have, a public library may have, etc.

In general it's very strange to not have at least a company-issued work laptop or desktop at the office if you're an office worker, but I'm sure you could find a friend with a computer you could borrow, or go the library and use theirs.

Maybe this is culture shock because I feel like on Lemmy the average computers owned by a user is easily ~13 not counting old phones/tablets that may be 'broken' but could still be made to work temporarily or in a limited enough capacity to work in this use case and ofc aforementioned corpo machines.

I'm retired and while I do have a laptop, the laptop's only connection to the internet is through my phone. I'm generally way out in the woods somewhere. And the only connection I have is a cellular connection. I was mostly just curious what people would say.

If the phone isn't dead a Tile or similar device would help ring it.

I will have to look that up. I don't know much about tiles.

There may be better options now. I just appreciate being able to push a button on my keys or my wallet to find my phone. It's not the most reliable but it's worked enough to be worthwhile to me.