13 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Good plan. I'm on board with this plan!

I looked that up. You can change the double press on the tile from SOS to ring my phone. That's pretty cool.

My account information

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Oh, I see what you mean. I suppose I could borrow someone's phone.

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That's a good idea, just get a cheapo phone.

I just thought of the library idea just before I clicked on this. I don't know why I didn't think of that before.

I'm retired and while I do have a laptop, the laptop's only connection to the internet is through my phone. I'm generally way out in the woods somewhere. And the only connection I have is a cellular connection. I was mostly just curious what people would say.

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I will have to look that up. I don't know much about tiles.


From the day I was born, my environment shaped what I thought and felt. Entering the school system I was indoctrinated into whatever society I was born to. All of the things that I think I know are shaped by someone else. I read a book and I regurgitate its contents to other people. I read a post online and I start pretending that it's the truth when I don't actually know. How often do humans actually have an original thought? Most of the time we're just regurgitating things that we've experienced, read, or heard from exteral foces rather than coming up with thoughts on our own.


I knew it!


I figured as much. I was hoping there was a workaround like I could call Apple or something.

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I bet your provider probably has some way to help you find your device.

That's interesting. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

Yup, this is the rabble that voted for the man who said he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it.

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Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness

Apparently Christians don't read the Bible

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Well, that's brazarre

I haven't had any trust in Congress or the presidency in 60 years

Even if they could reach us from some far-flung star system. There's no guarantee that we would be able to even communicate with them. For instance ants use pheromones to communicate. There's no way we could understand pheromones. We still can't talk to dolphins. The other problem, generally when a civilization comes in contact with a less evolved civilization they tend to wipe them all out.

For me it's a matter of my mentality. I have tried to get away from the spending mentality. As soon as you get money you start thinking of ways to spend it. You should be thinking of ways to save it. I usually try to think of something that is important to me. For me I like to go out and see the world. That means buying gas. If I spend $5 on a cup of coffee that's about 20 mi I can't drive. As others have stated you got all these streaming media sites and stuff. If you add that all up over a years time is quite a bit of money. You should get rid of anything you don't need. There are two ways to have more money: Make more or spend less.

Fake news, I know because I have alternative facts

Ok, it's kind of worded weird. I guess that makes sense.

Congratulations on quitting smoking. I quit about 20 years ago. I tried a cigarette after being off of them for awhile. It tasted so nasty I don't know why I ever started.

I see. Thanks 😊

Oh. Thanks 😊

Wow, I had no idea

I have cut down on my bus addiction. I feel much better now.

I wonder what happens when the truck driver and the old person both smoke. Does that cancel them out? 🤔

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That explains why I keep getting shot while smoking in my fox hole. The enemy can see my smoke rings like a target.

We must do something about all these old people getting run over by buses.

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Oh yeah? Try and stop me!

Doctor, what did he die of? ... Everything!

I love Mastodon

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I got the message that my post was removed because I was on a local instance on

Fair enough, thanks.

Thanks, I'll look that up.

That looks really good