There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. to – 10 points –

Reminds of an observation my dad made once about how neighborhoods are named after what had to cleared away to build there. Oakwoods. Rolling hills. Pleasent view. Etc etc

There's no foxes on Fox News either.

Yeah, because they own the rights to the name. If only I ran Fox News.. damn them.

Today on Fox News

This one is taking a nap in the snow. Was it a good nap? Did they have nice dreams? We'll investigate!

There used to be. Turns out you can make more money with reality TV.

Only temporarily which is why nobody has cable anymore.

Cable was only good when broadcast TV was the alternative. Today it’s entirely obsolete

This reminds me of people who still cling onto the radio for music when there are objectively better alternatives.

Discovery is full of shows all about people looking for things but not discovering them.

Last time I watched anything like that, probably on netflix, they where looking for pirate gold and actually found it ... buried in a military munitions burial area they couldn't reasonably or legally excavate.

Don't forget Animal Planet, which hosts shows about tree houses and mermaids now.

PBS is the only television worth a damn. Incidentally, it is replete with history, documentaries, non-editorial news, music, and science.

Their YouTube channels are also top notch. Spacetime, Storied, Eons, Terra, Origins, Be Smart... all gold.

Because around 20 years ago these networks figured out that they can make just as much money pumping out cheap and crappy reality shows as they can by creating expensive and difficult to produce quality programming.