Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts

Deceptichum@quokk.au to World News@lemmy.world – 356 points –
Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts

10-year-old Fatima Jaafar Abdullah was killed in pager explosions in Lebanon.

Israel murders another kid again.


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Lmfao this attack is aimed at nailing terrorists. Well lookie there. Lemmy you never let me down

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Is it OK for a nation state to plant bombs in suspected opponents and then explode them at random without respect for collateral damage? If Russians did the same to Americans, you'd be all "fair play, mate"?

If Russians did the same to Americans, you’d be all “fair play, mate”?

At wartime, sure. Using explosives on enemy combatants outside of military-exclusive areas is not inherently a war crime.

Israel is in the wrong here because it's part and parcel of their continuing strategy of escalation in service to Netanyahu's forever war so he can stay in power, and the collateral damage is thus pointless from any perspective except that of keeping an authoritarian in power.

They're not in the wrong because they chose explosives as their choice of attack against Hezbollah. Unless it comes out that their distribution of rigged pagers was utterly untargeted or something of the sort. Which I would not discount the possibility of, considering Israel's history, but doesn't seem to be the case according to what's come out so far.

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If there were an anti-Russian militia that set up shop in America and occasionally attacked Russia and Russia figured out a way to target many members of this militia and a few innocent bystanders were also injured or killed, the rest of the world would say "yeah... that is what you get" and Americans would say "Why are we allowing these armed assholes to set up shop in America and attack Russia?"

You really believe this is is how it would play out? Astounding...

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