Kremlin's favorite candidate Jill Stein refuses to call Putin a war criminal during interview

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Of course.

Then tell it to the guy who's denying genocide instead of getting pissed off that someone opposes the genocide you just admitted is happening.

Plenty of people willing to do that. "There is no genocide" is a viewpoint that gets shut down pretty quickly around here. It's not dangerous (on lemmy - in the real world it's very dangerous of course).

"There is a genocide, and we need to exclusively attack Democrats for it", on the other hand, is a very prevalent and dangerous view on Lemmy, and is more deserving of my time.

I suppose you would consider genocide denial harmless.

Aaaand now we're back to "obviously false stuff that I will proceed to ignore". Good talk.

You said it yourself. You don't care about genocide deniers, but you get big mad that people might consider genocide anything less than a perfect outcome.