Republicans Boost Jill Stein as Potential Harris Spoiler to politics – 382 points –

“Federal Election Commission records show Stein paid $100,000 in July to a consulting outfit that has worked with Republican campaigns, as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid. The firm, Accelevate, is operated by Trent Pool. The Intercept reported that he appeared to be part of the mob that breached the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6., 2021. The Journal hasn’t independently verified the reporting.”


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Yes, you find 14 pages of dead Palestinian infants to be the funniest shit ever. The perpetrator of the ongoing genocide in Gaza bought candidates for you.

No, I find your bullshit false accusations to be funny. Especially when it’s backed up by quite a lengthy mod log of removed misinformation and bullshit trolling attempts.

I have no sock puppet accounts. If I Had sockpuppets, my comments would have more upvotes and a lot more genocide supporters would have more downvotes. Only one comment I've ever made has been (unjustly in my opinion) removed as misinformation.

You're just mad that I didn't immediately shut up when you used "hilarious" as a rebuttal. Now you're responding to my comments multiple times, spouting conspiracy nonsense, and going through my comment history to stalk me into other threads.

News flash bud…. There’s no genocide supporters here. But ironically, I did see you get bent out of shape when someone accused you of being a Trump supporter.


If you can’t take it- don’t dish it.

There’s no genocide supporters here.

You stood up for a genocide denier in the thread you followed me into on another community.

No, I didn’t.

You did. As for your ridiculous lie that there are no genocide supporters on lemmy:

Those are just the ones I've been able to find since my comment of 54 minutes ago, in the midst of considerable distraction. One of them is the genocide denier you defended.

EDIT: Here's another:

Sure thing, trumper. Whatever makes you feel better when you accuse everyone that disagrees with you of being a genocide supporter.

I brought receipts. Of course, you dismissed them without even looking at them and repeated the same lie about me.

I'm disengaging with you now. You have nothing and I've shown that lemmy does in fact have genocide supporters. I'll probably add to the list and use it every time some genocide apologist lies and says no one on lemmy supports genocide.

Naaah.. you just pasted links to shit you disagree with. I’ve seen how you accuse everyone that calls your shit out- “genocide supporters.”

And I’ve seen how you twist shit to mean things people never said. So spare me your rhetoric. I’m not buying it. You’re a page right out of a trumper’s playbook.

Not fooled here bud.

Naaah… you just pasted links to shit you disagree with.

While I disagree with genocide support and genocide denial, and you've made it clear that you don't, everything I posted was links to the modlog. Those were comments that were removed by moderators, not me, for genocide denial, pro-genocide misinformation, etc. Genocide denial is genocide support. You've made it clear that you didn't follow any of those links or even look too closely at the URLs. I invite anyone who believes that no one on lemmy supports genocide to read them. Anyone who reads them and claims those links don't contain genocide support is a goddamned liar.

And here I am taking the bait. I said I was gonna disengage. Shame on me.

I don’t know why you keep going with this man. I already told you I’m not buying your bullshit. I’m not the first one to call you out and I won’t be the last.

You hide behind your accusations of others because it keeps the heat off of you. Classic trumper move- stay on the offense, right?

It’s not working here.

Others will read the links even if you don't. Others will know that you never even thought about following them or reading them. The links speak for themselves. Goodbye.

How do I know your bullshit is entirely ignorable?

genocide supporters

You're not doing a very good job of ignoring it.

Scroll down, I brought receipts.

Yes, everyone who doesn't agree with you loves genocide. Let me get right on reading about that

Still ignoring me, I see.

Pointing out your tactics isn't the same thing as engaging in your bullshit content. But this isn't the first time you've equated two things falsely, is it?

If you don't want to have a conversation, don't talk to me. If you're just going to ignore any evidence I provide and repeat yourself, well, this is lemmy and that is how centrists do when people disagree with them.

The comment wasn't for you, it was for people who might not know your entire fucking schtick is to shame everyone who doesn't think exactly like you do, because everyone supports genocide but you and your small Linkerbaan-TokenBoomer cult. You all are absolutely driving people away from your cause with your lies and insults, but sure you're just so magnanimous and care about Palestinians so much.

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Look at that! Four upvotes within mere minutes on a completely dead end comment chain! You’re about as authentic as they get bud!

No amount of suck puppets will make the shit you say appear any less stupid.

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