Huge Half-Life discovery found from a decades-old CD sitting in a storage unit to – 216 points –
Huge Half-Life discovery found from a decades-old CD sitting in a storage unit

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What does it matter? Everyone that understands context understood exactly what they meant.

This is dumb.

Well, apparently lots of people here who are familiar with ripping and burning CDs found it confusing - so I don't think it's dumb to point out the confusing wording, especially to clarify for those who don't know that burning means writing and ripping means reading. I at least initially recoiled in horror at the thought of burning data onto the rare find.

If you're going to use technical jargon, use the correct jargon. Either that or get back to your job in middle-management, synergising the whatever meaningless buzzwords.

If you think the phrase the entire world uses to copy files onto a disc is technical synergizing jargon, there is no hope for you. I feel like I walked into dunceville with these replies. Do you even talk to people in person?

Please for the love of God do not bother replying more about this. This "conversation" is so absolutely dumb it's beyond ridiculous. Enjoy your day.

The entire world? What are you on?

Most people haven't messed about with writeable media in a decade. The only people still talking about this stuff are pedantic nerds. You're on Lemmy, for gods' sakes, and you're expecting something other than pedantic nerds.

Someone gave me some advice recently, perhaps you could also benefit from it: grow up.

Inability to read confirmed yet again. Good job Sunshine. Bye now.

You were needlessly unpleasant to me, I'm merely returning the favour.

Give it a rest, holy shit. You don't have anything else to do but "argue" about this completely useless nitpick?

Something that supposedly doesn't bother you causes this reaction? That's hilarious.

You are consistently giving me notifications in my inbox. Do you think I keep coming back to this inane thread like I'm checking on it?

Let. It. Go. This is the only thing you've been talking about for an entire day. That's pathetic.