Huge Half-Life discovery found from a decades-old CD sitting in a storage unit to – 216 points –
Huge Half-Life discovery found from a decades-old CD sitting in a storage unit

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"I burned this CD [to a blank CD]."

That's exactly where it stops making sense.

If you have a painting, and you show it to someone and ask "Could you paint this?", they would assume you're asking if they'd be able to sit down at a blank canvas and paint the same picture.

If you have a painting and say "I painted this", they're going to assume you're talking about the painting in your hands, not a reproduction you made that's hanging up in your garage.

But duuuude when you say "burn to" you are using the terminology you say is incorrect. You would have to say "from this cd im burning a copy" and yet you yourself are using the verbiage "burning to" which directly implies the original cd is being burned [to a copy].

The whole point is that people used burning as a short way of saying what you are saying is correct. People made burn into a verb as a replacement for copy. Its the same thing as saying im burning this data... because you are indeed burning the data onto a copy. People can say "im burning this disc" to mean the same thing this is fucking stuuuuuupid

Edit: its like "im tattooing a tribal pattern onto this guys ass" is the same as "im tattooing a tribal pattern"

Does that mean someone is tattooing something onto a tribal pattern? No!!! Go away please