Telegram To Disclose Phones, IP Addresses At Authorities' Requests. to – 336 points –
Telegram To Disclose Phones, IP Addresses At Authorities' Requests

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Simplex doesn't support mutli-device. That's a deal breaker for me. I do 90% of my messaging at my desktop but also want to be able to chat on the go. Using my laptop on the couch is also fairly convenient.

SimpleX also loses messages if you don't pick them up in time. Going on vacation for a few weeks could be problematic, for example.

Adding to that, their notification system kinda sucks for me.

Simplex doesn't support mutli-device.

...yes? It does?

No, it does not. The closest it comes is allowing a PC to take control of a mobile client on the same local network. That might be a convenient way to type with a full-sized keyboard if you have both devices in the same place, but it is not what people mean when talking about multi-device support.

GP wants the ability to use their account from multiple devices independently. From different locations, not tethered on a LAN. With shared message history, notifications, unread state, identity, etc. That's what multi-device support means in the context of messaging services.

Device 1: PC Device 2: Phone

How many devices is that? 2? Sounds like multiple devices to me 🤷‍♂️

2 devices that can’t function independently. That would make it functionally one device. You’re just splitting hairs now.

2 devices

Glad we settled that one.

You’re just splitting hairs now.

My guy, you're the one splitting hairs.

No, lol. “Multi-device” does not just mean “multiple devices can be involved”. It means “Multiple devices can operate independently”

And you know that. But you’re splitting hairs to try and fit this use case into something it’s not.

No, lol. “Multi-device” does not just mean “multiple devices can be involved”.

My guy... "multiple" = >1. "Device" = some sort of electronic. It's that simple. And you know that. But you’re splitting hairs to try and win an internet argument and misrepresent something you don't like.

Yes linguistically that’s what the those two words mean.

But in the context of a messaging app, “Multi device” becomes one singular term with a set meaning agreed upon by everybody but you, that you’re trying desperately to change by deconstructing the words it’s composed of in order to misrepresent something that you evidently like a whole lot.

By "everybody but you" you mean just you, right?

No I mean me, the other people who’ve corrected you, the people who’ve downvoted you, and everyone else.