Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll shows 57% with unfavorable views of it compared to only 4% favorable to politics – 659 points –
Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll

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There just aren’t that many third-party true believers

Me and most of the people in my social circle. Look at the campaigns of socialist Claudia De la Cruz and the crowds of people showing up at her demonstrations. You think most of those people are getting paid?

And how do you think people just magically get paid to start posting articles? The reason I am asking is because I get accused of this DAILY. lol

Me and most of the people in my social circle.

That's a statistically insignificant blip unless your social circle is, for example, Delaware.

Look at the campaigns of socialist Claudia De la Cruz and the crowds of people showing up at her demonstrations. You think all those people are getting paid?

No, of course not. I was referring specifically to online, where a single person can operate thousands of bots spamming nonsense. You can't do something like that at a physical event.

That said, her rallies attract hundreds of people at best. Harris' rallies attract tens of thousands of people, with thousands more standing outside. And De la Cruz is polling in the low single digits. She's barely a statistical blip. Yet online forums are absolutely flooded with support for her and for Jill Stein.

And I know people like myself get accused of getting paid daily. And why? Because we post news articles about third parties. Not everything is a conspiracy.

And also, to your point, if these third parties are such a statistical blip, then you have nothing to be worried or angry about. So why even get mad at posts that aren't pro-harris?! Such small statistical blips shouldn't affect the outcome of the election at all, right?

You know why people accuse you of that and that you're lying about it here.

I'm not mad at posts from actual people, which I do think you are. You've engaged in ways that thoroughly convince me you're not a bot or troll. I happen to disagree with you, but that's okay.

I happen to disagree with you, but that’s okay.

I can accept that, brother. We'll agree to disagree. Which I think is fine. :)