Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of? to Ask – 135 points –

I did retirement home training and used to think it was a sweet job. Then I got in the business and underestimated how demoralizing it was as they give you the easy elders in training while the others make you, or at least me, really think of the fact the job just amounts to an unkarmic freebie.


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Gated housing security/executives, HOA

Religious bureaucracy, barker


Union busters

Search engine manipulators

Tanning salons

Deodorant advertisers

Smoking industry

Subprime mortgage brokers

Gambling industry

"And just like that, he left."
"He what?!... Did he say anything?"
"Nothing at all. He plopped the list on the ground and promptly walked out."
"What a bloke."