Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes

vga@sopuli.xyz to World News@lemmy.world – 116 points –
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes, Israeli army says

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Not to mention you never apply that same lens about aggression to the actions of Israel.

Sure I can. For example, Israel attacked Iran with an airstrike. That's an act of war. When Iran retaliated, nobody pretended the victim was the aggressor like they are now with Israel and Hezbollah.

I think Israelis and Palestinians need to have a Secular One-State with equal rights for both

Unfortunately I think that would be very difficult in practice. How to ensure it remains secular?

People are pretending that Israel is the victim. A victim of blowback, sure. But ignoring that Israel is the one doing settler Colonialism, an Apartheid, and now a genocide in Gaza for nearly a year, does not magically make them the victim