Biden said to call Netanyahu 'a f**king liar' after Israeli troops entered Rafah | The Times of Israel to World – 591 points –

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“That son of a bitch, Bibi Netanyahu, he’s a bad guy,” said Biden privately, according to Woodward. “He’s a bad fucking guy!”

Reads like a bloody Onion article.


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So we throw away the “rules based international order” and return to the pre-1914 unilateral rules and all the brutal wars that bought? So much better, amirite? Might makes right, and we’ve got the might for now!

The US stance on Israeli leadership is decimating our ability to wield soft power influence. We are global hypocrites blocking ANY action, whilst expecting the world to fall in line to support Ukraine against Russian revanchism - even NATO members dissent from the US position. The global south is turning to China/OPEC+ trading blocs. They already tried to break the petrodollar, which would be a huge blow if successful.

Even taking a realpolitik approach, without soft power all those US military bases used for ‘power projection’ lose their local consent, and become occupation sites inside non-allied nations. The Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan is a chill spot for launching COIN drone missions - whereas the Conoco base in Syria is constantly under drone and rocket attack.

Supporting Bibi’s wars of aggression is a stupid play on multiple levels.

I never said it was good to support it (though I’m sure that won’t stop people from reporting me for being a genocide apologist). Only that it’s a very complicated and nuanced thing to just assume it should be easy to simply stop because we want it to.

Nothing would make me happier than to see the issue resolved and for people to stop being hurt. But that’s not for me to decide. With a vote or otherwise.

And that’s because it’s a very complicated agreement. Nations don’t just decide to break them. Regardless of your strong opinions on the matter.

Maybe stop sending them billions in weapons then, eh?

I see at least three actions in that statement:

  1. Stop giving them billions in free weapons
  2. Stop giving them any weapons
  3. Stop them

#1 should have happened a long time ago imo, if not used as a leverage to prevent an Israeli ground invasion of Rafah, the West Bank, Lebanon, striking enrichment at Natanz. “Free bombs for crimes against humanity” is a bad moral play, bad politics, and bad diplomacy outside the US:Israel sphere.

#2 Is politically hard normally, impossible in an election cycle. I hate it, but here we are in the house we built. Make FEC the only campaign funds - it’s OUR government, not the highest bidder’s.

#3 The US’s geopolitical track record shows that we’ll tolerate some awful, terrible people if they’ll get ‘on our side’ even if there’s a trend of massive and foreseeable blowback, the diplomatic corps don’t learn lessons.

And my point is:

  1. It’s more complicated than that
  2. It’s more complicated than that
  3. it’s more complicated than that.

What I’m trying to say is that none of us are experts on the subject. And those that are suggest that, guess what?

Yeah. It’s more complicated than that.

And I chose to believe the experts on the matter. But when they’re ready to argue music theory, I’ll eat their lunch. 😀

If the “experts” told you that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, would you believe them?

So… those experts weren’t American. They were from the UK and Denmark.

Try again bud.


Gotta love the far leftists edgelord meme responses. Everyone knows that this is you admitting you have no argument by the way.

And thanks! I take these as a badge of honor! I’m collecting them!

Oh, you want arguments for how how experts lied to justify a war. But no, they wouldn’t do that again:

Advocates Demand Blinken Resign After Report Reveals “Egregiously Illegal” Acts

Neat. A Wikipedia article that is irrelevant to the topic and… truthout.

LOL! You should stick to the edgelord memes. They’re far more relevant.

It’s Not Complicated: Israel is Committing Genocide in Gaza

The evidence of the situation could not be any clearer. However, we must continue to reiterate that what is happening in Gaza is straightforward because of intense efforts by politicians, media, and others to convince Americans that the facts are simply too complicated, too nuanced to draw clear ethical and political conclusions. Insisting that the context is incomprehensibly complex after nearly 35,000 dead and 78,000 injured, mostly children and women, is genocide denial.

I didn’t say there weren’t. And I’m not about to have you move the goalposts like you all LOVE to do so much here so that you can reconstruct my argument into something you can accuse of genocide apologia.

I do NOT support the atrocities in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Nor am I saying that the genocide being committed is complicated- which is the straw man you’re trying to construct on my behalf, I DO however, understand that the INVOLVEMENT OF THE US is VERY complicated and nuanced- which is something you all ignore in favor of your need to outrage one another, and the far rights need to exploit this fact about you.

We’re done now. It’s too risky to discuss this with you.

It's funny how you have literally nothing to say except for how complicated it is. Not, you know, why it is so complicated. Just that it is.

You have also explicitly and presumably intentionally not engaged with anyone pointing out that literally every president of my lifetime except for Trump, and I think Clinton, has already done what you are claiming with ZERO evidence is far to complicated to do.

You're the one making an extreme statement that requires extreme evidence to hold up. All of your responses that don't have that are just intentional bad-faith gaslighting.

I have no idea why you are doing so, but it isn't a stretch that it is to provide cover for the government using those weapons to commit genocide.