Are steam key sites legit/worth it? to – 57 points –

What are your thoughts on steam key sites? have you even bought a key from sites like g2a? are they a scam or are they cool, also do you have a story to share about steam keys.

i was planning on getting a mystery pack from g2a or whatever its called but im not sure if its a scam or not.


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Yes, look at this blog post from Factorio team, it is a few years old by now but still valid

They start talking about G2A about half way through the post. Basically they much rather see you pirate the game than buy it through G2A

Mike Rose talked about that specifically and it was nothing more than a PR stunt to sell games. When G2A had that "contest" to prove that stolen keys were sold on their site and they would pay you 10X what you lost we found out that G2A only sold 5 copies of Rose's game on their site. Not 5 stolen copies, 5 sold copies total. Then other devs like that Charlie Cleveland clown said that stolen games were sold on G2A before G2A even existed.

Wait, so those 5 Factorio buyers sent at least 7 E-mails to the Factorio devs? The blog post there has 7 example E-mails.

That indicates quite clearly that someone is lying. Given that one "someone" in this case has hosted thieves, I feel pretty safe suggesting who that is.

You're confusing Wube and No More Robots. The "pirate our games rather than buying them from G2A" line in that blog post came from Mike Rose from No More Robots. It was ironic because almost no one purchased his game, let alone purchase it from G2A.

Wait, so Tanoh posted about Factorio, and you replied to him. If you were talking about a completely unrelated developer, who’s confused here?

Basically, the Factorio dev proved G2A was selling stolen keys. If you have evidence against that, we’re all ears.

I'm talking about the developer quoted in the blog post that they posted in the comment I replied to. I don't understand why you're confused.

So your point is that the person who detailed condemning evidence about G2A’s behavior ALSO happened to cite an unimportant quote from someone that, according to your unsourced info, happened to be a small-time developer not making many sales, and thus deserves to be mocked and ignored.

Not only is that several levels of logical indirection, it’s kind of pathetic…