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Joined 1 years ago

Like the old joke, "What do you call alternative medicine that works?" "Medicine!"

If some herb, plant or extract has a proven effect it will be adopted by real medicine, and all that is left in alternative medicine is the scams that do not work.

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If you live in a city and have no backyard or similar, you should not be allowed to own a dog.

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Yes, look at this blog post from Factorio team, it is a few years old by now but still valid


They start talking about G2A about half way through the post. Basically they much rather see you pirate the game than buy it through G2A

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What do you mean, there are other games? No time for those. The factory must grow!

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For every year that passes Silicon Valley slides further and further from comedy to documentary.

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It also means that they can freeze separately

Pretty good summary of Microsoft's "innovations" the last decade or so

Also bluetooth fucking sucks for lack of a better phrase.

9/10 times it connects fine, but then every now and then it just refuses. "What? No I don't exist" and then you have to either restart bluetooth and/or the device, and then it magically works again.

Also, I quite often get stuttering with it. Not sure if it is my phone or headphones or both at fault, but I would like having an audio jack when I am sitting at the desk

If they implement import & export subscriptions it would help a lot to move

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I thought that was a really weird use-case for a Venn diagram at first...

There is a reason clickbait images and titles are used, they work. If they didn't work, no one would use them.

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The problem is that it is almost always just one lf them. Let's say that v0.20 is called "Fuck Spez" and v0.21 is called "YouKnowWhatFuckMuskToo".

Most people are going to refer to them by either the number or the name, almost never are both used. The biggest problem with names is that they are rarely sortable (google did it with android, for a bit but not anymore), so in the future it is hard to know which is which without resorting to looking at a list of releases.

For example, in the future when we are on v0.30 someone might say "ah, but this has been an issue since "Fuck Spez"." And then most likely you have to look it up to know what they are talking about. If we coulld force everyone to alwaya write "version "Fuck Spez" (v0.20)" then it would be great, but that never happens.

I personally prefer just semantic versioning for this reason.

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I got super tired of google a few months ago. "Ah, you searched for these terms. But I am going to ignore that and instead show you results for these diffetent ones, because fu."

So I started using bing instead, I wouldn't say it is worse. Just differently bad. Some search things are much worse, some are much better.

Quite annoying how they keep pushing for "AI" all the time though, so might go back to google soon anyway.

Subscription based teeth?

GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It's signed with the private key and verified with the public key.

A bit of a nitpick, but important to keep in mind. The GPG signatures shows that someone that has access to the private key sent that message. If I somehow gets a hold of a copy of your key, I can send messages that seems to originate from you.

I seem to be at around 100 already, though some of those are probably already dead or moved to another instance.

But the easier it is to migrate the more people will do it, if that is the goal.

A lot of non-bullshit answers for games link to reddit, so I still have my account logged in so I get old.reddit when I click them. When they decide to kill that one I don't know what to do.

I think it has the hallmarks of a classic hype cycle.


We are probably at around the peak of the hype cycle now. I am preparing the popcorns for when the next phase hits.

That is great, but it should ideally be built into Lemmy itself and not an external script that may or may not steal your credentials.

Just two buttons in the settings "Export User Data" and "Import User Data" would be enough.

Security is hard. Especially at the scale of those companies. Since they are big, they get a lot more hacking attempts. Makes more sense for bad actors to attack someone with millions of customers than your mom & pop store that might have hundreds, if everything being equal.

More and more people and compa ies wants to store things "in the cloud", (read: someone else's server). It is for the most part a good thing as it makes it easier to access, but it also opens up bigger and other attack vectors.

So, I think the number of breeches will only increase. Not always because the companies have bad security (though sometimes it is 100% that), but also because the attack vectors keep growing due to changed business decisions and user preferences.

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Diverting is really expensive for the airlines, so you know they only do it if there is no other way. So it can't just have been a bit of a bad smell...

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Most of those cookie banners are not even needed, you only need them for tracking cookie, not login and session cookies. But of course everyone decided it is just easier to nag all the users with a big splash screen.

A lot of them are not even doing it right, you are not allowed to hint the user that accept all is the "correct" choice by having it in a different color than the others. And being able to say no to all shouls be as easy as accepting all, often it isn't.

Basically, cookie banners are usually not needed and when they are they are most often incorrectlt designed (not by accident).

Just the ads, and you can't turn them off. Ever.

You can sell high karma accounts to spammers.

Everyone has a test enviroment, some are lucky to have a separate production enviroment

It works quite fine, use it daily. Well, XMMS2 to be pedantic.

Just some shellscripts bound to windows-keys to pause/play and load new files.

Counting in lines of code is the most stupid metric.

Exactly. And if you want those features, you install the full version. Packages can break in sid, that is the whole point of it.

I am also running sid and keepassxc and I see no problem with this change. In fact it seems like a very sane thing to do, and something I wished more packages did.

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now it is mostly written for web browsers (between which there are no longer any significant differences in terms of standards compatibility).

At this point I think it is just a matter of time until Google (most likely due to their near monopoly with Chrome), will push for some new standard that they own and control and must be used everywhere. For some handwaving combination of security and protect the kids, etc. And google are in a great position to make it happen, don't support it? Oh noes, your site is no longer listed in google searches.

And that will be the end of the open web, you can only use one browser that totally controls what you can and cannot do. Ad blocking is just the start, saving websites or images? Nah. We don't allow that. Copy the url? No, you need to use this share button that has embedded tracking links in it, etc.

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It will 100% be abused though, and it will probably/hopefully get changed at some point. It was never a technical reason to not allow edits of titles but rather a social one.

Just imagine some troll posting "what is your favorite color?" And people reply with "red", "yellow", "black" etc.. and then they edit the title to "In your oppinion what color of people should we get rid off?"

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I think a better, but still not perfect, way to define it would be "This person wants to do X, but can't support him/her/itself doing it."

Of course, if you are already rich it doesn't matter and then it is a bad metric (one of the reasons it isn't perfect.) However, I think it is a better way to define it. Someone writing a few books as a hobby and then stops are not a failed writer, but someone that wants to be a writer but just can't support it is.

Basically I think the intent matters, but that is impossible to measure (and people lie about it). So being able to do it as a profession is an ok metric.

He could have handled it better. But he didn't call the code crap directly, just the bundle of everything.

Having a meta package and let users choose seems like the best way. But this is a Debian issue, and not a keepassxc issue. It is up to Debian to package it anyway they want.

SSDs have a limited number of lifetime writes.

Yes, but in the real world it is not a concern. The number of writes you can do is so huge that you will never come even near it, and the speed boost from SSD far far outweighs it.

Yes, and it also pioneered many features we take for granted now. Like tabs, customizable interfacez etc.

But now it is just a reskinned Chrome.

You would need to specify the new port when using ssh (using the -p$PORT option).

You can put a host entry for it in .ssh/config specifying the port.

There are quite a lot of quirks with how browser (or rather rendering engines) interpret CSS, and in quite a few places the spec is ambiguous. So there is no "correct" way of implementing it.

But, this is either just them being lazy or bad mangement.

Then the bot would be useful, now it is just spam. If you want to watch it somewhere else: Use a browser plugin for it, don't spam every thread.

Also if you don't trust either of the ends, it doesn't matter much if it is E2E.

I don't know where you are getting those numbers from. Most put chrome in around 78%, edge at 10% and then everything else. And all chrome re-skins are just that, google still controls it. There is a reason one of the biggest software companies in the world just gave up their own browser engine and runs a competitor's with some face paint.

Google are in a far better position to push something like this through than Microsoft ever where, due to their near monopoly on searches. Any site not using it would be more or less dead. Just going from number 1 to 2 on a google search can mean a huge drop in traffic, and then imagine not even being on it at all.

...and when they don't pay Discord under the table. Discord wouldn't be unique if this was the case either.

Or maybe it is a feeble attempt to annoy people that sign up with foo+service@somewhere.com and then sort it into different inboxes (of course you can filter on other things but + is built into gmail). You can also use it to see who sold your info when you get spam on that adress.