Alabama Republicans, despite Supreme Court ruling, reject call for second majority Black House district to politics – 386 points –
Alabama Republicans, despite Supreme Court ruling, reject call for second majority Black House district

Alabama Republicans, under orders of the U.S. Supreme Court to redraw congressional districts to give minority voters a greater voice in elections, rejected calls Monday to craft a second majority-Black district and proposed a map testing the judges’ directive.


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The Supreme Court has no enforcement arm. That's why the court loosing it's credibility is kind of a big deal for Roberts.

As racist as this obviously is, it's good to see a red state be the test case for ignoring the court. It might give blue states more energy to ignore the next 40 years of authoritarian and climate denial rulings.

No court has an enforcement arm. Its all done by law enforcement. Hence the name. The Judicial Branch has to wait for the Executive Branch to enforce the ruling.

Here is the thing though my man the blue states would rather respect the rule of the land to try and set an example for the people voting for the red states.

Imo it's kinda like how the vast majority of the time the usa treats pow's pretty well even when we know the enemy won't. We don't want to become like them so we have to hold ourselves above them.

Also you took the user name I wanted originally. So I hope you get good use out of it lol.

You make a really good point. Dems do tend to take the high road.

Also, I was surprised it was available! I only got it on .world, so you might be able to get it in a different instance.