Squarespace buys Google Domains for $180 million - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News

withersailor@aussie.zone to Technology@beehaw.org – 40 points –
Squarespace buys Google Domains for $180 million - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News

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Wow that’s interesting. For me as a consumer that would negate the value of the registrar - I would probably be wrong, but as a consumer maybe would have assumed that domains bought there have some easier integration into the Google ecosystem, with some convenience benefit even if small.

Will they still? I don’t use Squarespace (but a lot of people must be, for them to have that much pull, damn) but would they still have such benefit? I guess the benefit is Squarespace integration.

This includes Google’s special TLDs they own and administer? Article didn’t say.

Well they have a nice integration with things like Cloud Run, etc. that made using your custom domain with GCP hosted stuff pretty simple compared to using externally hosted registrars. That may change going forward I guess.

This includes Google’s special TLDs they own and administer?

That would be huge, especially with how .dev is booming now.