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Appeasement doesn't work. It did not work out for European powers, it did not work for Stalin, and more recently it did not work with Crimea/Ukraine.

Yet every time a portion of the population will wholeheartedly support appeasement policies out of what I can only assume to be a mix of abhorrent cowardice and a pathological compulsion to submit to authority. I can only imagine the kind of fucked-up childhood these people lived, to make them so afraid of fighting back even when they're the ones holding the bigger stick.

Worked in Ireland.

Bad comparison. Ireland wasn’t an invading, occupying power. They were trying to reclaim their country from the British empire…and they didn’t even get all of it. I smell a troll.

Britain was an invading occupying power, Ireland gave up the north for peace. It made sense since there was a large British protestant population in the north that feared being integrated with the Catholic south. Very similar situation with the large Russian populations in Crimea and eastern Ukraine that fears integration with the maidan regime.