Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden to FDR, LBJ. Thanks for the free campaign ad! to politics – 549 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden to FDR, LBJ. Thanks for the free campaign ad!

The predominantly ludicrous lawmaker from Georgia did Biden a solid this weekend, telling Republicans the Democratic president is fiendishly attempting to make people's lives better.


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Austerity and corporate deregulation, w0000000t!

End occupational licensing, end single family zoning, cut corporate taxes, encourage freer trade and common markets. Raise taxes on non-poor people to pay for social programs. These are core neoliberal tenets.

Why do you want to make being poor even harder? These are evidenced-based methods of helping poor people.

I find the "raise taxes to pay for social programs" and "cut corporate taxes" to be somewhat contradictory. Reagan and Thatcher were textbook neoliberals if you need any examples, and they destroyed social programs and labor unions rather than supporting them.

In the 80s people also smoked indoors everywhere. Lots of dumb shit happened in the 80s. Then, over 40 years, people got smarter.

Individual taxes need to go up. Corporate taxes do not

I fail to see why you think helping corporations earning money will help individuals, especially with raising taxes on them. Corporations' interests are lower wages and higher prices, worker's interests are higher wages and lower prices. The only way to then increase wages is to force companies to do so, either through job disloyalty, strikes, regulations, or etc. Don't see how lower taxes will make them pay more.

Lowering corporate taxes helps people because corporate taxes are across the entire sector and thus are more easily priced in (because your competition is also likely to do so). Consumers pay for the majority of every corporate tax increase.

Wages can be increased through encouraging unionization, passing single-payer health care, etc.

Lowering corporate taxes may have some slight impact on merit pay and even wages as a whole, but it would almost certainly be focused on white collar jobs. I'm not opposed to that, but it isn't a primary concern

Also you could get student loans discharged in bankruptcy and Iraq was a functional country.

You neoliberals fixed that.

Lmao yeah you're right, something 75% and 90% of Congress voted for, respectively, is the fault of... Neoliberals.

As are hurricanes and earthquakes.

Your policy was passed and you refuse to own it.

It's bizarre you think "fruitless war" is some sort of neoliberal ideal lol

Every NeoLiberal site I have read supported the Iraq War and still considers Tony Blair to be a good guy and Hillary Clinton's decision to vote for it wise.

It is odd how little you know about the label you have adopted.

Tony Blair is definitely a good guy. I still don't support the Iraq war.

It's a big tent.

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"wHy Do YOu wAnT tO mAKe bEIng pOor eVen HaRde.." get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous, insulting argument and take your corporate boot licking ideology with you.

You never answered why you want to tho

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