Biden’s latest campaign video is a Marjorie Taylor Greene speech to politics – 610 points –
Biden’s latest campaign video is a Marjorie Taylor Greene speech

The White House and Democratic members of Congress called Georgia Republican’s comparison a ‘compliment’


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You’re NEVER going to get a good option. You vote for the least-worse. Always – lather, rinse, repeat.

That is the entire problem and telling people "Thats just the way it is, deal with it" is not going to solve it. Our "democratic" system is completely broken, we are given the illusion of choice when in reality all candidates are preselected and paraded in front of the public as if they have our best interests at heart, when in reality they all have the same mandate from their corporate overlords. The US is a corporatocracy masquerading as a democracy, we as ordinary citizens have no real say in the matter. That needs to change, full stop!

That needs to change, full stop!

America's system of voting "first past the post" ensures that one of the top two candidates will win. It pretty much guarantees a two-party system will win.

So, the strategy would be:

    1. Try to get an alternative voting system like "Ranked Choice Voting" in place. This has been done successfully in Maine and Alaska, I think. We need more of it. [Yes, I know Ranked Choice is not perfect, but it's definitely better than we have.]
    1. Until then, your best vote (mathematically) is to vote for one of the top two candidates that is closest to what you want. Yes, you'll have to hold your nose a few times to vote for the "least worst" of the two, but honestly, it's better than the alternative, of having the "worst worst" of the two.

Hope this helps.

You don't even have to oppose the two party system to support ranked choice. I like ranked choice, especially for state reps/senators, and I'm very pro two-party system.

I know it opens the door to other parties I don't necessarily want to exist, but it's just a good idea full stop.

It's not a broken system when the most popular person wins. No one was preselected.

A majority of people think Biden is in their best interest.

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