Youtube added shorts to the subscriptions page, pushing the subscriptions almost entirely off the page... to Mildly – 1781 points –

I prefer "list" view over grid view. Switching to grid view shows six videos before the break, but significantly less information about the video.


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You should use SmartTube Next. It's like ReVanced but for TV.

We alkready pay for Premium, so what would be the benefit for us? And while we use YT on all our devices, obviously, we use YT a whole hell of a lot in the livingroom TV on my Shield TV.

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Can't do that for Samsung and LG TVs.

My worst tech mistake was buying a Samsung TV.

It's great TV tech, I'm just underwhelmed by Tizen and its app ecosystem - doesn't have nearly enough options, some non-major apps are barebones compared to their Android counterparts, sees less support.

My only real alternative for good quality TV with Android was Sony, but they had dropped the ball at the time concerning Variable Refresh Rate support, and prices weren't great either, so I decided against.

I can still use Android apps through a cable tv box that has them, but most of the time it isn't worth the bother for me - easier to just switch on the TV and use its native system.

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