Do you think that in the future, body-cameras on people will become as common as dash-cameras on cars?

001100 to – 59 points –

I mean, people use dash-cams protect themselves in case of a car crash, so do you think people in the future would also use body-cams protect themselves in case of being involved in a fight?


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Very true, I forgot about the doorbell cameras! Neighbors on FB will often post their camera footage when a "suspicious" (read: black or young) person drives by

Sooner or later, it'll be borderline impossible to talk a stroll without being captured on a video somewhere. I wonder how disguises/masks might evolve to counteract. And if any scene occurs, you'd better bet there'll be at least one phone camera pointed at it.

Look up "Justice Caps" and "Hacker Hoodie". Infrared anti-camera apparel