14 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I pretend to be a bird on the internet. He/Him

When organizations mess up, why is their first response to the critique to say "Why didn't you come to us first?" when they really mean "Why did you make this public so we actually have to do something?"

I get really frustrated with the response because it doesn't come across as a company actually interested in improving, but just throwing accusations back and trying to beg off the responsibility of actually holding themselves accountable.

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Completely agree with this decision, and it actually comes as a bit of a relief; I saw a statistically significant number of users who admitted to being denied from Beehaw because they didn't want to "write an essay" or aggressively disagreed with the disabled downvotes (something that I've grown to appreciate).

I'm expect that the large influx of disruptive users is from the reddit migration, and I'm hopeful that the majority of the users will either adapt to the culture we're trying to build here, or find their own niches in other communities. As you noted in your post, and in my own experience moderating real life groups, allowing a disruptive influence in a safe space can have serious negative effects on group cohesion that can persist for a long time, if it doesn't alter the culture outright.

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This feels like a bad faith argument. OP correctly identifies that users from instances other than Beehaw tend to be more likely to engage in argumentative and pedantic commentary, which you prove in your interactions so far.

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I feel the more likely scenario is for public surveillance to reach a point where everyone outside their home (or near a window) is being recorded from multiple sources.

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As per the article:

"But what if my container is 'microwave-safe'?

Though various plastics are marked as microwave-safe—and plenty of plastic lobbyists have defended them as perfectly safe—the term is somewhat misleading. It’s simply referring to plastic types that won’t crack or melt when heated, not their chemical makeup. Supposedly microwave-safe products can still contain bisphenols, phthalates, and plenty of other potentially harmful ingredients."

How does the taste/feel compare to TVP (textured vegetable protein)? TVP has a sponginess that is slightly unpleasant to me, but I've seen some promising advancements in plant-based meat replacements that gives them a texture closer to animal meat.

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Plants probably also feel pain then, considering that they modify their behavior after injury, seek to avoid them, and chemically communicate with other plants to protect themselves. Life is life, no matter if it's speaking, clucking, mooing, or photosynthesizing, it's just a matter of where you draw the line.

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A reminder to be(e) nice; we all come from different backgrounds, and launching ad hominem attacks is ineffective in getting people to consider your arguments.

You're seeing words that trigger your community's language filter, I believe.

I've eaten and cooked with cricket flour! It's honestly no different than most powdered protein supplements, and has a mild nutty taste that is unnoticeable or pleasant. As the article mentions, it's great in pancakes and pastas! I expect that as climates and food availability changes, many more people will be including alternate protein sources in their foods!

  • Steve1998MREInfo tests and reviews military MREs from all around the world. Surprisingly entertaining and wholesome.
  • Townsends 18th century living history reenactment and history, especially focusing on the food and everyday chores of colonial Americans.
  • Wendigoon cool dude who makes videos on conspiracies, analog horror series, modern mysteries, and bible studies.
  • Knowing Better educational political and sociological videos with occasional skits.

I appreciate your work moderating and growing a community <3

This comment feels needlessly hostile.

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The face looks proportional and I really like the shading of the cheeks as it gives the face a lot more depth! The left side of the hair looks good; I like how it's colored darker than the closer right side, again it helps with perspective. The right side looks off to me for some reason, but I can't quite put my finger on it, sorry. It looks like you're still working on your linework, and I don't have much useful advice there; it's something I struggle with too.

Very true, I forgot about the doorbell cameras! Neighbors on FB will often post their camera footage when a "suspicious" (read: black or young) person drives by

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I'm a very adventurous eating so I've had the chance to eat a bunch of different foods but my list of meats to try include goose, horse, dog, emu, and snake.

Just started my first playthrough recently, should be exciting to have even more stuff to discover!

Seconding this. OP seems very determined to avoid interacting with comments that don't explicitly confirm their own worldview.

I like kitchen gadgets that serve multiple purposes, so the crockpot and air fryer I have are some of my favourites and see regular use, while my immersion blender that I was so excited to use hasn't even been plugged in... When it comes to cooking I feel like the gadgets and cookware don't get me as excited as getting to use a special ingredient or new recipe.

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I hope that the main takeaway from people here is not to cut funding/grants to farms, but rather to revise them as the article states in order to incentivize growing healthier food options.

Seconding this; Cruelty Squad is hitting that Deus Ex/Quake itch for me right now

My tomato plants are ready to harvest, so I've been making a lot of toasted tomato sandwiches and tomato soups!

Got a recipe you're using? I've never intentionally made vinegar, but looking to get into pickling this year

Kangaroo tastes great and didn't taste at all gamey to me. I had a kangaroo steak medallion and I'd say it had a slightly richer meat flavor, but was much leaner than beef. Goat tends to be very tough and chewy, but I've only had it in curries so I can't speak to its flavor much.

I had the chance to try durian fruit chunks and durian ice cream! It tasted like sucking on a wet, slightly used dishrag. It was an... interesting flavor, but one I'm glad I got to try; I was only able to eat a third of my serving because the taste became more overbearing as I ate.

I recently learned that you can grill it and I am very interested in trying it out, maybe this year!

Here's the guide I used from Way of Leaf for my first flush. The main way that mushroom cultures fail is because they get overtaken by mold spores, so sterilization of everything is VITAL. Spores can be purchased online for microscopy purposes, along with pre-sterilized grain bags with injection ports.

If I'm drinking with friends I'll go for a cider - Ciderboys make a peach-apple cider that I'm very fond of. For liquor I like Bulleit bourbon, especially the 10-year aged stuff.

Yeah I'll rinse and wipe down the inside, but that doesn't need soap.

I appreciate your engagement in this discussion, but I'd like to address your points as I feel like I didn't make my first point about plants feeling pain as well as I could:

Firstly, it's important to clarify that the argument I presented isn't about how similar creatures look to us, but rather about the ethical framework we use to assess suffering. The term "speciesism" is often used to criticize differential treatment based on species, and it's a valid concern. However, drawing a moral line isn't necessarily about appearance; it's about recognizing the capacity for suffering and the moral responsibility that comes with it.

You mentioned that pain requires perception, and we lack a definitive test for an inner listener. This is a valid point, and it's why the debate surrounding the sentience of plants is ongoing. While we don't have concrete evidence of plant consciousness as we do for animals, it's also worth acknowledging that our understanding of consciousness is still evolving.

Regarding behavior, you rightly point out that some birds exhibit complex behaviors, including language. This complexity raises important questions about the moral implications of causing harm to such creatures. The issue at hand is complex and nuanced; we can differentiate between beings with different cognitive capacities and still recognize the moral imperative to minimize suffering across the board.

The point of discussing plants in this context is not to "win an argument" but to emphasize that the question of suffering is multifaceted. It's a way to provoke thought about where we draw the line and whether our current practices align with our moral values. While we may not have all the answers, it's important to engage in these discussions to encourage more ethical and sustainable choices.

The intention here is not to rationalize cruelty but to foster a deeper understanding of the complex ethical considerations surrounding our treatment of all living beings. These discussions can help us evolve our practices and make more informed choices about our impact on the world around us.

That is one tasty looking plate! Great color and presentation!

Ayo, occasional user of lsd and grower of shrooms here

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Not at all; as stated in my comment, the debate is not about whether a given creature experiences pain and works to avoid suffering, but rather where you draw the line on what level of suffering is acceptable. I personally avoid buying meat products from the store because I feel that factory farms are inhumane and unsustainable, but I'm willing to and do raise and harvest meat birds for my own consumption.

Judging by your comment history, you do eat plant-based, and that's pretty cool. I encourage you to share some of your favourite plant-based recipes in this community :)

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I fail to see racism and orientalism present in this thread. What I do see are people linking to lists of human rights violations committed by the CCP, people complaining that unequivocally pro-CCP messaging is disingenuous, and people upset that a ban reason was not adequately explained.

I'm a card-carrying communist who sees a lot wrong with China's handling of political dissidents and ethnic minorities. From what I'm seeing about, it seems like milquetoast criticisms are being met with bans and censorship, and I see prominent users defending this practice citing "imperialistic anti-China propaganda" as being the reason why the uninitiated doesn't blindly praise the CCP. This belief is rooted in some fact - American media tends to portray eastern countries in a harshly negative light - but I hardly think that means that all criticism is made in bad faith.

I'm reminded of unequivocally capitalist sites banning mentions of communism and critiques of capitalism, and I believe that this trend does nothing besides foster the echo chambers that I, at least, have been trying to escape from.

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I've been reading your comments and I see a worrying trend of false equivalency. As others have pointed out, two facts can be true without excluding each other.