Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’ to World – 766 points –
Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’

Meloni heads Italy’s most rightwing government since the second world war. Italy’s criminal code punishes with a fine ranging from €1,000 to €5,000 anyone who “publicly defames the republic”, which includes the government, parliament, the courts and the army.


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It can't be that whoever has a different opinion is a fascist, also because I was just having a conversation, it doesn't make sense, if everyone else is a fascist, the term loses any meaning and it's hard to fight back the real fascists. Guess another issue with the boom of lemmy is that all the judge juries and executors from twitter are arriving.

No you're just a fascist agreeing with a fascist government. Might as well call yourself what you are.

Let me guess, whoever disagrees with your subjective experience is also a fascist am I rite

Fascism has an actual definition. People pretending it's just a vague insult are likely fascists themselves in my experience.

Did disagreeing with you makes me a fascist in your eyes? If so thanks for demonstrating