A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Technology@beehaw.org – 60 points –
1,300 A.I. experts come together to downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords'

In an open letter published on Tuesday, more than 1,370 signatories—including business founders, CEOs and academics from various institutions including the University of Oxford—said they wanted to “counter ‘A.I. doom.’”

“A.I. is not an existential threat to humanity; it will be a transformative force for good if we get critical decisions about its development and use right,” they insisted.


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People are wildly overestimating the power and applicability of LLMs. I get that it’s scary to have a conversation with a computer, but we are still just as far from artificial general intelligence as we have always been.

People also have that tendency to personify AIs. I don't really understand why.

I think people just kinda like to personify things, it happens all the time even with things that aren’t even close to human

Reminds me community names a pencil Steve and the snaps it, people can get attached to anything really. ie. pet rock

Personification is a very normal and natural human thing. Very likely an evolutionary adaptation. We see ourselves in nearly everything as humans.