Maternal Mortality Is Rising, and Pro-Lifers Don't Care to – 212 points –
Maternal Mortality Is Rising, and Pro-Lifers Don't Care

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The cruelty is the point. They want people women to suffer so they are easier to control.

It's absolutely using suffering to produce a coercive control effect. They want you to feel broken and lost and like no one is coming to help, because it means you're more likely to give up and follow their rules to survive... even when that doesn't guarantee your survival.

When are people going to stop being shocked by this?

This is authoritarianism and fascism and it's sad but unsurprising.

Specifically in this case, they want people they perceive as women (any human with a working uterus) to suffer so they are easier to control. I worry that your phrasing erases the sex-based violence part of this. Fascists are coming for most of us in one way or another, but this particular front is about controlling people they see as women. My husband (a cis dude) didn’t have to get parts of his body removed to have full citizenship rights; I did.

Forgive me, it was not my intent to diminish how this impacts people who have a uterus. This is absolutely about controlling women as well as what the definition of a woman is. I have edited the original comment slightly to acknowledge this.

Wow. Thank you. Sorry if I was less-than-polite, this stuff really fucks me up.

No apologies necessary, because it's totally understandable that this stuff would fuck you up.

I read the edit as you making a point about the fascists not seeing women as people.

For me to be powerful, someone else must be powerless.

For me to be strong, someone else must be weak.

For me to be smart, someone else must be stupid.

For me to be clean, someone else must be dirty.

For me to be right, someone else must be wrong.