Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely to Reddit – 21 points –
Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely

This will get interesting.


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don't care if they choose kbin/Lemmy/Squabbles(?)/Pr0nhub Comment section/Whatever or a combination of those things

It the fediverse so it can be all of those, some of those, one of those or whatever! Right? Am I getting it yet? I'm never going back to reddit.

If only squabbles implemented activitypub so it could federate with lemmy and kbin... (It doesn't look like it does)

I am actively experimenting with both. First post here! I find lemmy/kbin has a huge potential, but bloated initial experience. (Was cloud flare really necessary?). While squabbles is light and easy to get into, but less overall potential.

I signed up for squabbles but was turned off before I even started testing it when I saw all the botspam in r/RedditAlternatives.