What's something that's viewed as socially acceptable today that you think will become unacceptable 20 years from now?

The Giant Korean@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 232 points –

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You think human nature is going to change in 20 years?

Gender Identity is not human nature, but rather the product of culture and language association. There have been plenty of cultures in recorded history with multiple - what we would call today - Gender Identities.

Language and its impact on perception of reality is a very interesting topic of study.

That's not what I meant. Our brains are programmed to make as complete an image of a person as possible when first meeting them, including all attributes that can be inferred from their exterior.

Oh, easily fixed: If you aren't able to tell if someone identifies as Masculine or Feminine; there's a solid chance that they're Non-Binary. If you aren't sure though, its always safe to refer to and think of someone as "They/Them" and Non-conforming to traditional gender roles.

I can't do that, actually, since there are no gender-neutral pronouns in German. Btw, traditional gender roles are nonsense, anyways.

Oh interesting! I was unaware that German didn't contain gender neutral pronouns. Is German a gender heavy language similar to Spanish?

Couldn't say since I don't speak Spanish, but in German, every article is gendered. Though unlike English we have a third gender, neutrum.

Very interesting! Im going to research this more later! Thanks for the information!