Maternal Mortality Is Rising, and Pro-Lifers Don't Care to – 212 points –
Maternal Mortality Is Rising, and Pro-Lifers Don't Care

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Pro forced birthers don't care.

Not even in a 'the cruelty IS the point' way, though obviously sex is bad and suffering must happen to women (in their world view).

They don't care because it's a numbers game. Some women will die. Some will be maimed to the point where they can no longer conceive.

Those women don't matter. Only the endless brood mares who are pumping out kids. Sure a few will suffer, and 'blah blah gods plan', but they aren't part of the equation. The mass of humans being pumped out who will fodder for the corporate grist mill, or failing that filling the ranks of military or prisons.

I don't think it's about corporatism. For a lot of them it's about religion. They want more babies for Jesus. From a more cynical point of view, the earlier a woman has children, the more damaging it is to her future economic and educational prospects. Poor uneducated people are more likely to be religious and conservative. It's a culture war.

The true believers are absolutely part of it.

And as we enter the third wave of the Tea Party (MAGA chuds and now the Freedom Caucus), the cynical despots at the reins have been replaced by a LOT of true believers who are both dumb as a post and have drunk all of the Flavor Aid.

But there are still plenty of Phyllis Schlafly types in the party. Hardened opportunists with nothing more than a deep hunger for power, and no moral compass.

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