My mom wants "free" full movies on Youtube

I Cast to Mildly – 303 points –

Some things that make it very annoying to me:

  • She complains whenever she can't find certain movies
  • She usually searches using the complete video title in the search bar, it's usually something like: Movie name - Complete Movie - Dubbed - Pirate Site or Uploader - Genre
    • She has a list of saved movie/video titles in a .docx file, where she also writes whether she liked the movie or not. Whenever a YT search shows something she thinks she'll be interested, she copies the title to the doc.
    • Will usually use that same search on Netflix, or continue typing and adding more despite no search results showing already.
  • Complains about video/audio quality
  • Complains when there's no dubbed version
  • Complains when the "movie" is just a trailer repeating for 1 hour
  • Seems to willfully ignore my explanations to why searching for and watching full movies on YT sucks (it's pirate content on a platform that doesn't allow piracy)
  • Ignores some 🏴‍☠️ alternatives I've set up, because "there's nothing interesting there"
  • "Forgets" anything I teach her about searching and search terms in 5 minutes

To be fair, most of the movies she "wants" to watch aren't available on any streaming services. Feels like I'm dealing with the world's worst pirate.


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Have you tried setting up plex and then just putting in her requests?

Sounds frustrating to deal with

That would also be my go-to solution, except she wants hundreds of movies (in which case Plex also makes sense, but more for her than for OP).

My friend's husband does this; he runs a plex server for their family, parents/in-laws, and a brother I think. As the nephew got older he started sending in his requests, too. He also set up an email address just for movie requests and wrote a script to crawl the email inbox and automatically download the top search result. It ended up requiring very little input on his end.

Or set up Overseerr so she can request it herself. If you’re on a fast connection you can go from request to it being in Plex in about five minutes if set to auto approve.