Is there a sort of equivelant to Wikipedia for hiking trails? to Open – 57 points –

This site would display the same sort of information as All Trails: descriptions, pictures, waypoints, information about trail dangers, trail maps, time to complete the trail, distance, elevation gain, hiking season, etc.

I apologize if this is not the right community for this post. If there is a more appropriate community, please let me know, and I will repost this there.


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Let me introduce you OpenStreetMap, the wikipedia of maps

Ah, my apologies, I wasn't specific enough in my intent for the post. I am looking for something akin to AllTrails -- you search for a trail, and the site provides you with all of the relevent information: descriptions, pictures, waypoints, information about trail dangers, maps (that's where OpenStreetMap would come in), time to complete the trail, distance, elevation gain, hiking season, etc.

EDIT: I have now updated the post so that it is more accurate in its intent.

Opened OsmAnd installed from F-Droid, enabled "hiking routes", checked one I've completed yesterday. It shows: name, operator, trail on the map, length, altitude over distance (graph), average altitude, total uphill climb, total downhill. Pictures might be available as a plugin, not sure; no season info or dangers info in sight. Hope that helps.

While I do agree that these features are very useful, and interesting, they are unfortunately not the type of service that I am looking for. I encourage you to check out AllTrails, so that you can see an example of what I mean.

Some of them can be achived with osm as even stated by the link commented by duncesplayed and this other wiki page, but not all of them unfortunately