62 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Now I need to know who the hell has installed Free Download Manager on Linux.

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It's important because now you can take full control of stats that you weren't able to because of the lock.

And it migh be good for linux because since the 900 series gpu, or since the lock were first implemented, the open source nvidia driver it's not able to re-clock the gpu with an higher clock than the boot one (and trust me it's a really low clock) and you are not able to use a quarter of the power the gpu has.

Even if the open source driver code is 100% equals the nvidia one, literally copy pasted, it would not work because it need to be signed by nvidia to do so.

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And don't forget that organic maps uses osm for the map data and you can make the map better for everyone by using a very simple app called street complete, that let you add shops, street address and a lot more.

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Anyway don't install OpenOffice for any reason, just pick libreoffice or onlyoffice. OpenOffice doesn't get a functional/security/compatibility update since 2014.

Let me introduce you OpenStreetMap, the wikipedia of maps

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That's the problem

  • they are making harder to change the default browser on windows, and broke workaround by chrome and firefox too.
  • they don't let you uninstall edge in easy way or without a third party software.
  • if you download another browser from edge they try to persuade you in to giving edge a try.
  • they are planning to set edge as the default browser on teams.
  • they don't give you an easy way to open with another browser the internet result from the windows search bar, they broke EdgeDeflector many times indeed.

And nobody is doing something about it!

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Appreciates tight code

Proceed to run a 13KB Javascript game in a browser.

Currently at 319 contributions on OpenStreetMap since the 22 of December 2022 some part of south Italy are not mapped at all so I'm trying my best to make at least usable.

If someone want to contribute to osm StreetComplete let you add simple tags to already existing tags and let you add stores with a monstrous simplicity!

Anyway tell your girlfriend that apple maps and bing maps use data from openstreet map and are huge contributors to the project, in fact the default map when you edit in osm is from bing!

If the license is compatible with the one used by OSM contributors can use the data to make their life easier, contributors of the dataset are encouraged to contribute directly to osm if possible.

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Apple invented Unix?? What the hell are you talking about?

Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna at Bell Labs developed and invented Unix.

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Because linux doesn't have deprecated opengl, doesn't run their own proprietary api for gpu instead of implementing vulkan and last but not least because linux does still have support for 32bit application.

Streetcomplete to contribute to osm?

Laugh in Europe

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There is not one yet, the dataset got released yesterday. But you can use an OpenStreetMap based map Organic Maps f-droid PlayStore

And if data is not available on that then maybe it's time to contribute on osm as well, thanks to StreetComplete!

Yes it's a highway, probably that's the case.


r/place but is really a place in a map

So what's the problem with that? We get contributions for free to make newer hardware working, they improve already existing stuff, they solve bugs and everyone take advantage from that.


But OSM is not a simple map but a database of data, what you see on their site is only an implementation of what you can do with the data.

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For what I just read in the github discussion and in the linked gnome discussion is not endorsed by Gnome, as you can see here

Very early in development, but the developer is now busy doing a lego island decompilation soo.

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Yes the deer is the Libreboot logo

Ah shit we are back to "Ken Thompson Compiler Hack" again

I use Arch btw

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I'm too afraid to ask where is the fourth men

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Chaotic bad!

The best way to switch imo is to first to switch some of your currently installed app on windows with others that have a linux version, so you will not be entirely lost when you switch os.

For example Microsoft Office is not available on linux so maybe try libreoffice or onlyoffice, another example Photoshop doesn't have a linux version too.

Then maybe try to familiarize with the os on a vm or on a live usb, especially on a live usb so you know what works out of the box and with your hardware.

If you want to game look for you games on protondb if they work or not, for online games instead watch areweanticheatyeat to see if the anticheat work.

Last tip is to go with a know distro not something obscure like steamos or kali linux, they are not meant to be used as daily drivers especially kali and can give you problems that will not occurre in other distro!

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The only thing I want to say is "OpenStreetMap got the FSF award in 2018".

As the same openstreetmap site say it's the wikipedia of maps, run by the community and some corporations like meta, Microsoft and Apple.

And some people, like me, thanks to microg use the data for geocoding and don't rely on google for that.

Nope the article state

However, this new driver has also rolled out to Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices in the USA that do not have to comply with the DMA act, shedding doubt on this theory.

I'm currently contributing to osm and reverse enginnering the Sound Blaster Command for my Sound BlasterX G6 to make a Command Software for linux, currently in early stage but first I need to understand more about the protocol.

I never hear Gnome users crying about Valve heavily supporting KDE, so why are you angry about this?

This does not happen because Gnome is the most supported desktop environment out there, they have Red Hat, Google, Canonical, OpenSuse even Microsoft donated to Gnome. Don't get me wrong some of this company do support kde too, but Gnome get treated in a different way because it's the default de for most of the distros out there.

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Nope I don't need to download any app, I have everything needed installed, this error code appeared only after I disconnected my Microsoft account and after I closed 2 login screen for the Microsoft account, prompted by the Accessories app.

Maybe, if I have time, I'm gonna reverse engineer the usb packets from the pc to the controller and make a new configurator for it.

But at least you don't pay chrome, with windows instead you need to pay a license to use it.

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Mesa+Nouveau is bad only thanks to nvidia and their signature lock implemented since the 900 series, as even stated by me before:

the open source nvidia driver it's not able to re-clock the gpu with an higher clock than the boot one (and trust me it's a really low clock) and you are not able to use a quarter of the power the gpu has.

Even if the open source driver code is 100% equals the nvidia one, literally copy pasted, it would not work because it need to be signed by nvidia to do so.

And rember Pokemon Go uses osm for their data so you are making an impact on them too.

Some of them can be achived with osm as even stated by the link commented by duncesplayed and this other wiki page, but not all of them unfortunately

From the description to me sound probably like nixos

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Do you known kde has discover to install and update applications with a gui right?