
36 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All of this user's content is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

That is, if we restart Lemmy every 30 minutes. Else memory will go to 100%

Lemmy has a memory leak? Or, should I say, a "lemmory leak"?

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They're viewable on Lemmy too!

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it became evident that allowing Hexbear to federate would violate our rules.

For the sake of absolute transparency, and clarity, would you mind specifying exactly what rules would be violated if Hexbear were to be allowed to federate with Lemmy.world?

Hexbar has no intention of "respecting the rules of the community instance in which they are posting/commenting.”

This is a rather assumptive statement. You can only guess that this would happen, and have no tangible proof that it actually would -- the previous quotes that you provided outline your ideological differences, and not proof of conspiracy. You leave out the fact that in the Hexbear post that you linked they are telling their users to behave on other instances. In the quotes that you provided, you, quite conveniently, left out some important contextual information which changes the perceived intent -- the full version of the quotes that you pulled is as follows:

Please read and respect the rules of the community instance in which you are posting/commenting. Please try to keep the dirtbag lib-dunking to hexbear itself. Do not follow the Chapo Rules of Posting, instead try to engage utilizing informed rhetoric with sources to dismantle western propaganda. Posting the western atrocity propaganda and pig poop balls is hilarious but will pretty quickly get you banned and if enough of us do it defederated. Realize that you are a representative of the hexbear instance when you post on other instances.

While, yes, I agree that this is a rather uncouth way to word an official statement to the members of an instance, it shows quite the opposite for intent to spread harm to other instances.

In addition, several comments from a Hexbear admin, demonstrate that instance rules will not be respected.

Here are some examples:

“I can assure you there will be no lemmygrad brigades, that energy would be better funneled into the current war against liberalism on the wider fediverse.”

“All loyal, honest, active and upright Communists must unite to oppose the liberal tendencies shown by certain people among us, and set them on the right path. This is one of the tasks on our ideological front.”

Your point here makes little sense to me. If anything, the examples that you just provided state otherwise. These quotes do not prove intent to cause harm on other instances through rule breaking. Your argument seems to be founded purely on an ideological difference.

I have no issue at all with defederating with an instance if they are obviously harmful to the fediverse on the whole -- instances that promote spam, trolling, brigading, etc; however, hexbear, from what I see in the linked official post, shows no evidence of such intent. All I see is difference in ideology.

That's actually not a terrible idea. Lemmy really needs content. It doesn't necessarily matter what that content is, it Is just really starving for activity in general. So anything that you post is a huge help.

I think it's time to close some of your open tabs.

Flatpak -- It's not without it's own issues, of course, but it does the job. I'm not fan of how snaps are designed, and I don't think canonical is trustworthy enough to run a packaging format. Appimages are really just not good for widespread adoption. They do what they are designed to do well, but I don't think it's wide to use them as a main package format.

Y'all don't update your services?

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ie oldest postes && least liked First

This would pretty much automatically throw out all troubleshooting posts. These sorts of posts, very often, don't receive many likes, as that is not their purpose. On top of that, there has been many a time that I have been saved by finding some ancient forum post that solved my problem.

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You do realize that you don't need to join Lemmy.world, right? There's plenty of other instances with different moderation policies that might suit you, or you could just make your own instance. That's kind of the whole point of the fediverse. The reason why there's so much contention around this post is because the people who have accounts here are somewhat stuck until account migration is added.

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Forums are an invaluable source of information for countless purposes. Even extremely old forum posts can be a life-saver.

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I worry that these sorts of things would end up turning the site into a popularity contest (or, well, more of a popularity contest than these sorts of sites already are. That being said, I'm quite proud of Lemmy, currently, as it appears to be resisting that). Also I'm not entirely sure how things like payed comment awards would work with everything being federated.

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It appears that it is not opensource, unfortunately.

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Ah, my apologies, I wasn't specific enough in my intent for the post. I am looking for something akin to AllTrails -- you search for a trail, and the site provides you with all of the relevent information: descriptions, pictures, waypoints, information about trail dangers, maps (that's where OpenStreetMap would come in), time to complete the trail, distance, elevation gain, hiking season, etc.

EDIT: I have now updated the post so that it is more accurate in its intent.

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I didn't think that it would -- I was hopeful that it might.

Only thing different is, anyone that doesn’t agree with it can literally just… Fuck off to wherever they want

Unfortunately, until account migration is added, this is not as straightforward as it may sound.

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FYI, you can edit post titles directly. You don't need to put an "edit" in the description.

Unless you've done it already, I would recommend that you open a feature request on Jerboa's GitHub.

I've heard that ReFS is supposedly replacing NTFS, on Windows.

The comma usage is grammatically correct, as far as I can tell, but the caps-lock is, indeed, horrendous.

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What's the difference between Owncast, and Peertube's livestreaming function?

It's closed source, and it costs money.

We are currently up to a depth of 32! However, it does appear to have trouble actually loading the replies rn. I'm not sure if that's because lemmy.world is being bogged down, or because Lemmy is unable to properly load all the replies.

Are you joking? The extent of their thought process is essentially "I don't like their opinions".

TL;DR: There is no singular answer to your question, imo. Essentially just run the instance transparently, reliably, and actively, and it will be attractive to people.

I'm not sure that there is one "best way" to grow an instance. An instance is essentially the fundamental governing framework for how the users interract with each other. You structure the rules around how you believe the users on your instance should interact, and those who agree with those rules will be drawn to them. Ideally, for sustainable growth in an instance, you also need reliable server infrastructure -- the instance should be responsive, and have a reliable uptime. An instance's admins must also actively moderate content. An instance with inactive moderators is not sustainable, and will quickly delve into hosting unwanted content on the instance which is undesirable for users.

Your comment's intent is rather dubious -- why post a quote from Lemmygrad, when the original post was talking about Hexbear? I encourage you to state that your quote is from Lemmygrad within the comment itself, instead of hiding it behind a link.

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I was referring to Rule 3 of the community:

3. Not regarding using or support for Lemmy

The space requirements get super intense with many cameras like that unless you compress the video.

I think Frigate uses h264 if I remember correctly. Also I'm not planning on storing and archiving the recorded data. I most likely would only save a day or a couple days. You do raise a good point about vacations, though - I should probably have enough storage for possible vacations.

Also if the cameras don’t encode then the data flow would congest your network something fierce.

The newtork that the camera feeds would be flowing through would essentially be isolated from the rest of the network. I intend to hook the cameras up to a dedicated network switch, which would then be connected to the camera server.

The biggest issue as I see it with so many cameras would be how to find interesting stuff in all that data.

What's nitce about Frigate, is that it uses OpenCV, and TensorFlow to analyze the video streams for moving objects.

More Information can be found on Frigate's website.

I ran a S.M.A.R.T short test, and, yeah, the hard drive is quickly dying:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!
Drive failure expected in less than 24 hours. SAVE ALL DATA.
Failed Attributes:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x002f   001   001   051    Pre-fail  Always   FAILING_NOW 1473

Would it be possible to at least show the total subscribers from all federated instances?

I’d be concerned if All Trails started taking all that data and charging for access.

I share the very same concern.

I'm not sure that there is much for actual server side support for cross posting just yet, but there is a way, at least on the web UI: if you click the two overlapping squares under you post title, it'll open a new post with a link to the previous post and its content quoted underneath. It feels more like a work around for cross posting, but it does work.

Unless a post contains a license that states otherwise, I think reposting their content should be fine.

Obligatory I am not a lawyer

Be that as it may, why should people be prevented from questioning it? Isolating people does not make them better informed. Conversation does. All that isolation accomplishes is creating echochambers --which only serves to strengthen their beliefs.

From what I can see, Macrodroid does not appear to be opensource, but thank you for the suggestion.

it is storage that requires more attention

Please correct me if I am wrong, but this feels like a flaw with how Lemmy (perhaps other fediverse apps as well, I'm not sure) is designed. Why do I need to store all posts made to a community that one of the users on my instance subscribes to? Would it not be better to simply store my user's posts, and comments, and the posts made to any communities hosted on my instance? Why do I need to store information from other instances, and users?

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That disk certainly isn’t healthy.

For my own future knowledge, what, exactly, in the logs, led you to that conclusion?

image the whole thing with ddrescue

Since you mention "image", I'm assuming that I would need a drive at least equal to the size of the source drive to store the image? The issue is that the source drive is 2TB in size, so I would need to source another 2TB drive (at least) to store the image.

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Yeah, for me, clicking "Pubscription Pending" unsubscribes me. Clicking "Join" again just returns to "Subscription Pending".

While I do agree that these features are very useful, and interesting, they are unfortunately not the type of service that I am looking for. I encourage you to check out AllTrails, so that you can see an example of what I mean.