Is there a good, actively maintained, opensource alternative to Tasker, on Android? to Open – 67 points –

I'm not aware of any great FOSS/FLOSS Tasker alternatives. There are a few options, but they will be less capable, functional, extensible, user friendly, or modern.

More direct alternatives

Requires a server to run automations/dcripts

Requires scripts and may require a server and/or additional add-on apps

IMHO, no, and I look for one all the time, I hate Tasker, really miss Automagic -_-

I'm curious - why do you hate Tasker? I've been using it for years (well before Joao became the dev) and I've always found it supremely useful.

The UX is so terrible, I can't figure out what's to like about it.

It's still a useful app, I mean it's design is complete garbage, but you get utility.

Ah, fair enough. I've been using it long enough that I guess the UX doesn't bother me any more. And the benefits from the ongoing development are still very good IMO.

After many years of using Tasker, I switched to Macrodroid.

Not quite as powerful but does 95% of what Tasker can do and the interface makes waaaay more sense, to me.

Macrodroid can also utilise Tasker and Locale plugins.

I also was searching for an open source alternative. I came across Automate, and fell in love with it. However, it's not open source but I highly recommend giving it a try.