Is there a Linux mail app that's similar to the default one in Windows 10/11 to – 37 points –

I tried Thunderbird but it's got a lot going for it. I just want something simple and minimal

Preferably a native app rather than something built with electron

I use Arch Linux


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This doesn't really answer your question, but you may want to consider hanging on to Thunderbird given massive UI upgrade that's coming very soon for it:

It’s released already, just not in flathub yet.

Ooooh. That looks good. It’s going to take a while to get used to a new Firefox design after using the same ui for 15 years 😅

Found that in order to move some things round (menu bar for example) the user has to go in and tweak css stylesheets. This is not a smooth, user friendly experience.

Currently looking for alternative clients because of the changes. I have my reasons.