Benefits of smoking cigarettes? to – -100 points –

My girlfriend has threatened to break up with me several times now unless I cut down to a pack a week. I'm not addicted but it does help me get through my day. I keep trying to tell her that but she doesn't believe me and keeps saying that it's actually bad. I want to prove to my girlfriend that smoking cigarettes is actually good for you so that she can stop judging me over it but I can't find any info online to back that up. Can anyone help me find some resources that list the health benefits of cigarettes? Like how nicotine kills germs or anything like that?


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they cost 50 USD a box, not everyone is so privileged

Sorry, I didn't realise the situation was so bad there.

Here in New Zealand nicotine patches are free to anyone who wants to quit smoking.

Tobacco on the other hand is highly taxed so it costs around $50 for a pack of 25 cigarettes. (USD$31)

yeah the healthcare system in the united states is so messed up, I'm praying every day for a single payer system but americans hate healthcare I guess.

Healthcare in the US is absolutely bonkers. Here in the UK I’ve paid 0 (!) quids for my lung transplant. They only required me to take a break from smoking for about 6 months (that sucked, lol).

Sorry, that must be hard. You're in such a wealthy country but not everyone in it gets to benefit from that, when it comes to healthcare.

That said, I don't really agree with the high taxes on tobacco here. It's an addictive substance, and the massive costs help fuel poverty. I think it should be prescription only instead.

I don't live in America and I am pro single payer healthcare.

get near instant access and treatment

allowed to pay more for better services


How clueless can you get?

The only advantage to single-payer system is further encouraging fat people to get fatter. I've seen so many fat people clamor for this policy, it's ridiculous.